Edward W. Pell Graduate Fellowships
Fort Ticonderoga Museum, TICONDEROGA, NY
Fort Ticonderoga offers four graduate fellowships for students seeking a practical, hands-on internship experience at a historic site and museum with cutting-edge programs. Positions available June 13-August 12, 2016, include internships in Exhibitions, Interpretation, Horticulture, and Education. Fort Ticonderoga seeks graduate students in museum studies, museum education, public history, history, public horticulture, American studies, or military history. Interns will need to be self-motivated and able to work independently as well as contribute to a dedicated team to create and develop ground-breaking exhibitions and programs for a diverse audience. Qualified undergraduates are welcome to apply. Interns during the summer of 2016 will focus their research and creative energy to support exhibitions and programs related to the year 1757 at Fort Ticonderoga. While working individually with their project supervisors, interns will also meet and work together throughout the two-month experience. Interns will have an opportunity to work with the Fort’s professional staff as part of our team-approach to all major projects. Each Graduate Fellow will receive a $2,500 stipend plus housing on-site. Graduate and qualified undergraduate students interested in applying for an Edward W. Pell Graduate Fellowship should visit http://www.fortticonderoga.org/education/university-partnerships or contact Rich Strum, Director of Education, at rstrum@fort-ticonderoga.org for more information. Individual internship descriptions for each fellowship are available on the website. All applications for Graduate Fellowships are due by April 1, 2016. Successful applicants will be notified by April 15, 2016. Posted on: 02/03/2016
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