Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Gallery Instructors [Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA]

Gallery Instructors

Gallery Instructors (GIs) at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, work with elementary and secondary school groups from Boston, New England, and beyond. Each school year, GIs conduct tours for approximately 25,000 children in grades K–12 in the many different collections and galleries of the MFA. Through interactive object-based discussions and hands-on learning activities in the galleries, GIs engage students in looking, thinking, and learning about art. We encourage applicants who reflect the diversity of Boston-area communities and the students we teach. We will begin recruiting a new class of GITs (Gallery Instructors in Training) in January 2016, and the interview and selection process will take place in the spring. Initial training will begin in September 2016, and new GIs will begin leading tours in early 2017.



  • Mandatory attendance at initial training sessions (held weekly on Friday mornings beginning September 2016)
  • Minimum two-year commitment as a Gallery Instructor, teaching one weekday morning per week during the school year (October to June) after satisfactory completion of the initial training program
  • Attendance at three GI Program Business Meetings per year (fall, winter, spring)
  • Attendance at collections training and professional development programs

  • Interest in working with children
  • A love of teaching and learning
  • An interest in art and museums
  • Proven communication and observation skills
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Reflective and collaborative team player
  • Sense of humor
  • Attention to detail
  • Respect for the diverse population of our museum visitors
How To Apply:
Attending an information session at the Museum is required to apply to the Gallery Instructor Program. Three information sessions about the GI program will be held on:


Monday, January 11, 2016, at 1 pm

Friday, January 15, 2016, at 10 am

Wednesday, January 20, 2016, at 7 pm


Applications for the Gallery Instructor volunteer opportunity will be distributed at the Information Sessions.


All interested persons should RSVP for one of these sessions by e-mailing: galleryinstructors@mfa.org with your choice of date, your full name, and your mailing address. If you have further questions about the program, please send an e-mail to galleryinstructors@mfa.org.

Apply by:
January 20, 2016



  1. Helen Kadish

    I am very interested in becoming a Gallery Instructor.
    Please contact me at 617-549-7548 or at the e-mail address above.
    This is my second attempt to contact you.
    Many thanks.

  2. Colleen Sutherland

    Hi Helen,

    You should contact the MFA directly to apply. We are only a forum for many museums jobs posted online.

    Good luck!

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