Summer Intern

Museum Textile Services, Andover, MA

Museum Textile Services has one or more openings available for volunteer interns beginning in June, 2016. Conservation internships require a fifteen-week, one day per week commitment and provide a sound introduction to textile conservation treatments, philosophy, and literature. Our upcoming projects include flags, samplers, and 19th-century costume. Hand-sewing experience, excellent eyesight, and great team skills are essential. Collections Management internships may be undertaken in a shorter period of time for a minimum of fifteen days. The summer project consists of a semi-annual inventory of our extensive textile study collection and integrating photographs into our existing E-Hive database. Museum Textile Services is convenient to routes 495 and 93, and a 3-minute walk from the Ballardvale commuter rail station in Andover, Massachusetts. To learn more about us please visit To apply, please send your resume and a brief email of introduction to Camille Myers Breeze at Posted on: 04/28/2016