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Weekly Job Roundup 10/02/2023

Welcome to the weekly roundup! We do our best to collect the latest job openings and welcome submissions from the community. For more opportunities, we recommend the following databases:





Weekly Job Roundup! (09/17/2023)

Welcome to the one-time monthly roundup! We do our best to collect the latest job openings and welcome submissions from the community. For more opportunities, we recommend the following databases:





AASLH Call for Proposals

The American Association for State and Local History has issued a call for proposals for its 2013 Annual Meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, and they’ve got a really terrific theme. Here’s what they have to say:

Birmingham is a city which has reoriented its history, inspiring international human rights movements. It is the perfect place to think & talk about how stories of ordinary people and extraordinary change inspire and inform us, our publics, and our programs and outreach.

Focusing on the famous names of history neglects the unnamed people who insisted on their rights, worked together, and who were anything but ordinary in their courage and resolve. Founded in 1871 as a transportation and industrial center of the New South, Birmingham was nicknamed the “Magic City” for its fast growth. And it was the center of a movement that caught the attention of the world and led to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Birmingham Pledge to eliminate prejudice. The 1963 Birmingham Summer transformed the city and changed the United States.

Session and Workshop proposals are now being accepted.

Fifty years after hundreds of young people stood solid for freedom. Fifty years after King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” articulated principles of nonviolence. Fifty years later we ask: If history is the example, the provocateur, and the context—how do we best use it today? How do you incorporate stories of ordinary people’s extraordinary lives in your institution? How can we build programs that deal directly with issues, making history interesting, relevant, useful, and human? What interesting and unusual techniques do you use to fulfill your organization’s mission? What kinds of program ideas are you trying out that are a little different than what you’ve always done? How do you encourage active involvement from your public? What have you tried that hasn’t been as successful as you want? How do you take the history your organization uses and connect it to people’s lives?  How is change reflected in your institution’s programs? What ideas and examples are there in local history that can inspire us?

Visit the 2013 AASLH Annual Meeting website for more information and to download a session proposal with instructions.

Proposals for sessions or workshops for the 2013 Annual Meeting must be submitted on a Call for Proposals form. You may submit the form via email, fax, or mail.

Deadline: November 16, 2012

More on AASLH’s Museum Education Workshop

We already mentioned that there’s going to be a terrific AASLH workshop in Boston in March; here are some more details to tempt you to sign up.

The registration for AASLH’s Museum Education 101 workshop scheduled for March 15-16 in Boston, MA, is now open at www.aaslh.org/workshop.htm.  The workshop is hosted by Historic New England and will be held at the Otis House. Register by February 13 and save $20 on your registration fee.

What is Museum Education 101?
Museum Education 101 provides an overview of the role of education within museums from an experience–based perspective.  Seasoned educators direct conversations about museum education and what it is museum educators do.  Through interactive activities, hands-on training and case studies, participants will learn about volunteer management, docent training, tour techniques, active learning  with people of all ages, developing exhibits with visitors in mind, on-line education and working with others to build education programs. Participants will leave the workshop with information and materials they can take back to their organizations to adapt and use!

The themes of this workshop are based on the recent publication The Museum Educator’s Manual: Educators Share Successful Techniques, coauthored by instructors Huber and Grove along with Nancy Cutler, Anna Johnson, and Melissa Bingmann. A copy of this must-have education manual is included in the workshop registration.

Who Should Attend:
This workshop is ideally suited for staff (first-time museum educators, directors, tour guides or volunteer managers and mid-career professionals), museum studies students, or dedicated volunteers working in all types of museums  who are given the responsibility of education and public programming.  For more information including an agenda, visit http://www.aaslh.org/mused101.htm.

Cost: $280 members /$355 nonmembers; $20 discount if fee is received by February 13.

Early-Bird Registration Deadline is now February 13!!  You can register today at www.aaslh.org/workshop.htm.

Please contact Bethany Hawkins, Program Associate at hawkins@aaslh.org or 615-320-3203 if you have any questions about these or other upcoming workshops.

AASLH Spring Workshops

AASLH does workshops all over the country, and we’re lucky enough to have a terrific one right in our backyard this spring, and the other a short train ride away.

(They also have a great emerging professional scholarship program that you could use to attend one of these workshops. The catch is that the deadline has passed for this year’s applications, BUT you should keep it in mind for next year. Info at the bottom of this page.)

Here’s their text:

Museum Education 101
Dates: March 15-16, 2012
Location: Historic New England, Otis House, Boston, MA
Through interactive activities, hands-on training, and case studies, participants will learn about volunteer management, docent training, tour techniques, active learning with people of all ages, developing exhibits with visitors in mind, and online education. Participants will leave the workshop with information and materials they can take back to their institutions to adapt and use.
Cost: $280 members/$355 nonmembers
$20 discount if payment received by February 10

Historic House Museum Issues and Operations
Dates: March 22-23, 2012
Location: Decatur House and Octagon House, Washington, DC
This workshop focuses on the unique needs, management, and interpretation of historic houses. With a focus on historic house museums, topics include collections care, types of research appropriate for historic house museums, exhibition development, interpretative tours, volunteers and building and landscape maintenance.
Cost: $250 members/$325 nonmembers
$20 discount if payment is received by February 17

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