The Connecticut Museum Educators Roundtable is hosting an evening cocktail hour on Wednesday, November 16, during the NEMA Fall Conference. See the Save the Date below for details.
Tag: nema 2011 (Page 2 of 2)
Copying this over directly from NEMA themselves.
Don’t delay!The early-bird deadline is Friday, October 7th!Sometimes it’s OK to procrastinate. When it’s a beautiful Saturday and you’d rather sunbathe than clean house for company. When you’re on your way to dinner at your in-laws and you’d rather take the back roads. When your desk is piled high with paperwork, yet somehow, unbelievably, you find yourself detained in a museum gallery for the rest of the day.
This is NOT one of those times. The early-bird deadline for the 2011 NEMA Conference is this Friday. So get off the dime and make your reservations now, as in today!
Here’s why you should register by the early-bird deadline:
- You will save money. A full 3-day registration is just $260 for NEMA members. The standard rate (Oct. 8-21) is $335. You save $75! (One-day registrations are also available.)
- You have a better chance of tickets to limited registration events. Two of our events are already sold out! Don’t be left behind when everyone else is having a great time!
- You can check one big item off your to-do list.
- You will avoid standing in long registration lines at conference.
- You will be a hero to the NEMA staff.
- You will save money. (Or did we already say that?)
Heads up! The deadline to apply for scholarships for the 2011 NEMA Fall Conference has been extended to September 23.
Learn more about the scholarships here, and more about the conference here.
Registration for the New England Museum Association fall conference is now open!
Don’t forget to check out scholarships to help with your trip, and keep an eye on this blog – we’ll be coordinating some roommate situations for those of us who can’t swing the full cost.
And now, a very scientific poll.

Heads up, everyone! The New England Museum Association’s fall conference will be held in Hartford, Connecticut from November 16-18. It promises to be a fascinating, fun time. The theme is “Museums in the Mirror: Reflecting Relevance in a Diverse Society.”
For those of us who are poor grad students, NEMA offers scholarships – and the deadline (September 16) is coming up fast, so go check them out!
For those who have already registered, Blue Avocado just published a really good article about getting a lot more out of a conference. Some great tips there to take to heart!