Manuscript accepted! (Feb 21)
Congrats to Sara and Venkatesh for having their manuscript “Establishing Synthesis Pathway-Host Compatibility via Enzyme Solubility” accepted for publication in Biotechnology & Bioengineering! link & bioRxiv
Another manuscript up on bioRxiv! (Feb 12)
Joe’s manuscript titled, “Surpassing thermodynamic, kinetic, and stability barriers to isomerization catalysis for tagatose biosynthesis” is up! (link) Fingers crossed for the peer-review!
Prof. Nair gives a seminar at the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering at Iowa State University. (Feb 6 – 7)
Thanks to Prof. Zengyi Shao and Prof. Tom Mansell for the invitation and the opportunity to present our work on non-native substrate metabolism in S. cerevisiae (link).
New manuscript preprint up! (Feb 1)
Sara’s new manuscript is up on bioRxiv! It’s about incorporating enzyme promiscuity to expand genome-scale metabolic models and explain the presence of unaccounted metabolites seen in metabolomics data! (link)