September 2020

Prof. Nair is a Significant Impact on a graduating undergraduate! (Sept 11)Each year, graduating seniors are given the opportunity to identify up to three faculty, administrators, or staff members from Tufts who have had a major impact on their undergraduate experience. “Professor Nair was the PI for the lab that I worked in, and while …

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August 2020

Karishma leaves the group and returns home (Aug 31)After the long lockdown, post-doc Karishma Mohan is finally able to return home to her family. A bittersweet moment for the lab. Good luck to her in the next stage of her career! Bruno’s manuscript is accepted for publication! (Aug 20)The paper will appear soon in Metabolic …

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July 2020

Bruno’s manuscript submitted! (July 17)We just submitted Bruno’s manuscript on engineering poly-γ-glutamic acid biopolymer production in E. coli for publication. See the preprint here. (tweet)