December 2019

Bruno defends his thesis! (Dec 19)
Congratulations, Bruno! (tweet)

Trevor attends the Cell-Free Systems Conference in downtown Boston! (Dec 4 – 6)
Trevor was representing the group at the conference and presented a poster on his work related to spore display for cell-free metabolic engineering.

November 2019

Joe’s work is highlighted in Tufts Now! (Nov 21)
Thanks to Mike Silver for the writeup on Tufts Now! (link)
This writeup seems to have gained some traction! ~50 K likes on reddit (link).

Prof. Nair gives an invited talk at the annual AIChE conference! (Nov 10 – 15)
Thanks to Prof. Tagbo Neipa and Prof. Elizabeth Stewart for extending the invitation to speak in the Topical session “Microbes at Biomedical Interfaces”. (tweet)

Joe (ahem… Dr. Bober) leaves the lab and finds a real job! (Nov 1)
Congratulations, Joe for accepting a job as Organism Engineer at Ginkgo Bioworks!

September 2019

Prof. Nair goes to Enzyme Engineering XXV! (Sept 15-19)
Prof. Nair presents Joe’s work on tagatose synthesis in beautiful Whistler, BC, Canda. (link, tweet, tweet)
Prof. Nair also organizes the poster session along with Prof. Bian Wu (CAS). Thanks to all the volunteer judges and congratulations to the 4 poster prize winners!

Joe’s paper is accepted in Nature Communications! (Sept 13)
Congratulations, Joe! A fantastic achievement! Link to publisher’s website coming when available. But for now, please find it at bioRxiv.
We did have to change the title because the journal does not allow commas, so the original manuscript titled:
“Surpassing Thermodynamic, Kinetic, and Stability Barriers to Isomerization Catalysis for Tagatose Biosynthesis”
is now renamed to:
“Galactose to Tagatose Isomerization at Moderate Temperatures with High Conversion and Productivity”

Lab group photo has been updated! (Sept 10)

September 2019 group photo. (L-R) Front: Debika, Karishma, Prof. Nair, Daniel, Sean, Joe. Back: Aaron, Zac, Todd, Trevor, Bruno, Vikas. (Alexis & Athreya not present)

August 2019

The Nair lab is awarded an NSF grant to continue studies in yeast for synthetic biology and metabolic engineering applications! (Aug 23)
Thanks to all the people in the group, especially former grad student Venkatesh, for laying the foundation for this work! (tweet, link)

Zac’s manuscript is live now on bioRxiv and submitted for review! (Aug 12)
The work on quantifying and engineering mucus binding was led by Zac and supported by Todd. (bioRxiv, tweet)

A revised version of Joe’s manuscript is now on bioRxiv! (Aug 4)
It took almost 5 months to address the reviewers’ comments, most of which were quite reasonable (!). The paper’s significantly improved with more scientific insights behind the engineering results! (bioRxiv, tweet)

The Nair lab receives a collaborative grant from NSF to understand the role of enzyme promiscuity in cellular metabolism and engineering! (Aug 1)
The work will be led by long-time collaborator Prof. Soha Hassoun and will also involve contributions from machine-learning expert Prof. Liping Liu. (link)