June 2016

Maya Vaishnaw joins the lab from Concord Academy for 6 weeks as a summer intern!

The lab attends Boston Bacterial Meeting at MIT.

Joe & Zac and Todd present posters there and their posters were swamped by interested attendees!

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The Nair lab returns to Medford High School

We engaged and educated Honors Biology students (freshman and sophomores) about Chemical & Biological Engineering and Synthetic Biology. This time we expanded our effort from last year to a three-day module where the students got to transform a reporter plasmid into E. coli and generate an arabinose biosensor! They then used this biosensor for a CSI-style investigation into to identify the “ground zero” of a Intestinal Candidiasis infection that is being spread downriver by infected patients. Slides for Day 1Day 2, Day 3, and  transformation  protocol are available for others to use. Thanks again for Karen O’Hagan (Tufts), Ms. Audrey Feitor (MHS), and Mr. Rocco Cieri (MHS) for working with us on this! Pictures from our visit are below:

Dr. Nair explains how engineering and science are distinct, but related. Also explaining how engineering design principles are used to build a living sensor.


The students use a UV box to identify patients with Candidiasis that test positive with their engineered biosensor.



Venkatesh, Todd, Zac, and Cassidy discuss their experience with engineering with the students.

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March 2016

The lab attends ACS BIOT meeting in San Diego, CA

Dr. Nair presents two talks: “Discovery and Design of Novel Regulatory Noncoding RNA in Bacteria” and “SelFi: Selection Finder for the Directed Evolution of Enzymes”

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Venkatesh also presents his work at ACS BIOT in San Diego, CA: “Re-engineering Signal Transduction Enables Efficient Nutrient Assimilation”



Dr. Nair also enjoyed catching up with former labmate Dr. Zengyi Shao (now at Iowa State University), Dr. Xueyang Feng (now at Virginia Tech), and mentor Dr. Huimin Zhao (University of Illinois, Urbana)


November 2015

Dr. Nair attends the annual AIChE meeting in Salt Lake City, UT

Prof. Nair presented talks on Jeremy’s/Bruno’s project and Neda’s projects

AICHE2015-3Lunch with the Zhao lab alumni.

Prof. Nair presents the lab’s work to Tufts Department of Biology. Thanks to Catherine Freudenreich for the invitation!

Prof. Nair presents Neda’s and Jeremy’s work at the annual AIChE conference in Salt Lake City, UT!