June 2022

Congrats to Alen for winning a summer scholarship! (Jun 23)
The ChBE summer scholarship will support his research in the lab this summer.

The lab welcomes new members! (Jun 6, 15)
Arushi Kalia joins as an REU summer student for the summer and Dr. Damayanti Chakravarty joins as a post-doc scholar!

The lab goes to Boston Bacterial Meeting (Jun 13-14)
Several lab members went to one of the best local conferences – BBM! Trevor and Aaron presented posters on their work. Missing from the pictures: Aaron and Prof. Nair.

April 2022

A new manuscript is out by the lab! (Apr 23)
We propose that yeast is innately adaptable to metabolizing non-native substrates – it just asked nicely 😉. (bioRxiv, tweet)

Alen Alshinbayev (A’ 25) joins the lab! (Apr 15)
The lab welcomes Alen to the group! He will be working with Rana on engineering protein and lactic acid bacteria!

March 2022

Vikas and Aaron attend the Spring ACS BIOT meeting in San Diego, CA (Mar 19-24)

Vikas presenting his work on using bacteriocins as means to engineer microbial communities
Aaron presenting his talk on understanding resource limitations and competition in bacteria

February 2022

The group welcomes Joe Balkan! (Feb 28)
Joe is a sophomore majoring in Chemical Engineering and will be working on engineering synthetic heterotrophy in yeast.

Goodbye, and good luck to Vikas! (Feb 13)
After nearly 5 years, Vikas leaves the lab for a scientist position at St. Jude’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. But we still have a few exciting manuscripts together on the way – keep your eyes peeled!

An auspicious start to a new month! (Feb 3)
Bec Condriti passes her qualifying exam! Congratulations, Bec!

January 2022

A twofer Friday! (Jan 19)
A real good Friday! Jessica Lee passed her qualifying exam and Vikas + Todd’s PAL DMS manuscript got accepted in ACS Catalysis today (link)! Congratulation all around!

Back with stricter rules! (Jan 3)
We start the new semester with stricter guidelines for COVID – 3x pooled testing/week and high-efficiency masks only! It’s imperative to avoid another shutdown, so testing and PPE is the only way!