December 2021

It’s a wrap! (Dec 22)
The group meets for the final time in 2021 before everyone disperses for winter break. It was good to end the year with a group lunch and a white elephant gift exchange. Trevor and Jack could not make it as they had already left campus and Todd joined us over Zoom for the gift exchange.


Congratulations to Vikas and Todd on their new paper! (Dec 16)
The paper discusses how biosensor-guided directed evolution leads to false positives and how to overcome the drawbacks to successfully perform directed evolution using PAL as a test case (link to paper).

October 2021

Sean and Aaron present their work at the departmental “4th” year seminar series! (Oct 29)
Both did a fantastic job explaining their work to an audience with varied research interests without oversimplifying their work! Congrats, both!

Jessica Lee joins the group! (Oct 25)
Jessica is a candidate in the Biotechnology PhD program and joined Tufts after completing her BS in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from UC-Davis!

Another pre-print co-authored by Vikas is out on bioRxiv now! (Oct 14)
The paper’s a collaboration with the Van Deventer and Lee labs. It describes how yeast surface display can be used to See the preprint on bioRxiv.

A new pre-print by Vikas is out on bioRxiv now! (Oct 9)
The paper describes work on overcoming issues with biosensor-guided biocatalyst engineering. See the preprint on bioRxiv.

We took a new group picture! (Oct 5)
Updated here.

October 2021 group photo. (L-R) Front: Bec, Prof. Nair, Sean, Rana. Back: Trevor, Aaron, Vikas. missing: Todd, Jack

August 2021

Nair lab members present at the virtual ACS BIOT meeting (Aug 22-26)
Vikas presented two talks, one on PAL and the other on yeast:

Sean presented a talk in yeast engineering:

Prof. Nair helps organize the 4 sessions in the Protein Engineering Area.