Medieval Latin-January 2014


Students will work together in groups to transcribe and translate sections of the Forrest Law Compendium Manuscript. Each group will be assigned a chapter (or set of chapters) from the manuscript to work on.

To enable group work on a single transcription/translation, we will create new group accounts that the students can use to login to the Perseids system.  The group accounts will be configured to forward email to the individual student email addresses so that they get notifications of reviewer comments, etc.  The SoSOL application doesn’t currently provide adequate support for multiple concurrent sessions under a single user account, so students will need to coordinate amongst themselves their schedule for working on the file.

Named entity annotation may be added as extra-credit assignments, depending on results of the Named Entity Hackathon.

Preparatory Work

  • Tisch scanned the manuscript and provided JPGs of the folio pages
  • Perseids developers created and populated a CITE collection of the folio images and converted them for use by the CITE image service (see )
  • Perseids developers created a CITE collection to be used to identify paleographic symbols as regions of interest on the folio pages and provide details of how they should be transcribed. (see
  • Tim is populating the paleography collection to guide the students in their work.
  • Once the paleographic collection is populated, Perseids developers will create a dissemination view for the students to reference during transcription
  • Professor Beaulieu will produce markup guidelines for students
  • Tim will create a skeleton of EpiDoc XML file to hold the transcription.
  • Alex May (Tisch) will advise on CTS URN identifier for the manuscript
  • Student training session scheduled for January 22