Uploading Google Spreadsheet Data As Annotations

(also see Telécharger dans Perseids des annotations avec des Feuilles de calcul Google)

To import or update annotations in Perseids from a Google Spreadsheet adhering to a supported template format:

  1. From the Perseids Home Screen, click on “Import Annotations”

    Click Import Annotations to import annotations from a google spreadsheet
    Click Import Annotations to import annotations from a google spreadsheet
  2. Copy in the public URL of your Google Spreadsheet. The Google Spreadsheet must be published first. The URL you supply can be either the “Link to Share” URL or the “Link to Publish” URL. Click Import.
    Supply the url of your Google Spreadsheet


  3. After successful import, you can submit your data for review. If the Google Spreadsheet data backs a Timeline or TimeMap or other online visualization, you can enter the URL of the visualization here and it will be available for review along with the data.

    If your google spreadsheet is a data source for a Timeline or Timemap, include the url of the timeline in your submission statement.
    If your google spreadsheet is a data source for a Timeline or Timemap, include the url of the timeline in your submission statement.
  4. To preview the data being submitted to Perseids, click the “Preview” link.

    Preview Display
    Preview Display
  5. To re-upload a new version of the annotations from your spreadsheet after the initial import, click the “Import” link from the overview page for your annotations:

    Click Import to re-upload annotations from a google spreadsheet.
    Click Import to re-upload annotations from a google spreadsheet.
  6. Re-enter the Google Spreadsheet URL and click “Import”:

    Edit the URL for your Google Spreadsheet


Currently spreadsheets adhering to the following templates are supported for upload to Perseids:

  1. For general annotation of person and place entities: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsEF52NLjohvdGRFcG9KMzFWLUNfQ04zRUtBZjVSUHc&usp=sharing
  2. Datasources for TimeMapper timelines: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsEF52NLjohvdENORUVIZ1NNNTVwVE9QakRHbDBQRmc&usp=sharing
  3. Journey of the Hero Hypothesis Annotations