Creating a Gold Standard


Creating a Gold Standard

You can now add the document id of a gold standard file in a comment element at the top of the treebank file (just after the <date/> element). This will trigger a new “Compare” link on the overview page for a treebank file in Perseids. This link will bring up the sentence list linked to Arethusa in hidden review mode for each sentence, with the document whose identifier was supplied in the comment used as the gold standard.

To activate this for your students, all you should need to do then is update the template files they use to create their new treebanks to each have a template containing a comment referencing the gold standard file that you have created for it in your directory.

Then when they create their new treebanks using this template, they will be able to compare their work as they go, without seeing the details of your annotation.

You can try it out now to see how it works by just editing on of your existing template files to point at the identifier for your gold standard file (the identifier has to be the numeric document id assigned to that file by Perseids — this is the id that is displayed as the value of the doc parameter in the links to it in Arethusa.

The XML of the treebank file looks like this:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<treebank xml:lang=”grc” version=”1.5″ direction=”ltr” format=”aldt”>
<date>Mon Apr 27 09:06:14 +0000 2015</date>
<comment class=”gold”>16075</comment>
<sentence id=”1″ document_id=”” subdoc=”1″ span=””>
<word id=”1″ form=”Ἀγαθὰ” lemma=”ἀγαθός” postag=”a—–nn-” relation=”ExD_CO” ref=””
sg=”sbs nmn ind ctc”

You can try it out now to see how it works by just editing on of your existing template files to point at the identifier for your gold standard file (the identifier has to be the numeric document id assigned to that file by Perseids — this is the id that is displayed as the value of the doc parameter in the links to it in Arethusa.