Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funds Perseids, Phase 2

The Perseids team is delighted to announce that the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has funded a second two-year phase of development for the Perseids project. During the academic years 2015-2017, we will focus on supporting new curricular initiatives in the Humanities in the US and abroad. The cornerstone of this initiative is the integration of teaching and research in the Humanities classroom, emulating the way students participate in research teams in the natural sciences. Indeed, through the Perseids platform, students and citizen scholars have access to primary source documents which they can edit, annotate, and disseminate, thereby participating in the creation and enhancement of Humanities knowledge.

In order to reach this objective, we plan to tackle four main areas: 1) Collaboration, sharing, and reuse; 2) Assessment methods; 3) Data ownership and quality control; and 4) Complex annotation and publication workflows.

We could not be successful without the projects upon which we build. They are numerous and continue to grow, but a special debt is owed to the Son of SUDA Online platform initially developed by with Mellon support and being maintained by the Duke Collaboratory for Classics Computing, which is also supported by the Mellon Foundation. We are also excited about continuing our collaboration with two other Mellon-funded projects, namely EAGLE and the Digital Latin Library. We look forward to continuing our integration work with Attic Inscriptions Online, Integrating Digital and the Berkeley Prosopography Services. Finally, we are grateful to all our other collaborators, near and far, for the spirit of openness and sharing that they have fostered, and we are excited to continue working with them.

We are grateful to the Mellon Foundation for its continued support and we look forward to the new opportunities that these two years will bring.