Assessing Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy Approach to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Assessing Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy Approach to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
By: Antonia Baskakov
Assessing Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy Approach to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
By: Antonia Baskakov
Living on the Margins: Children in Northwest Syria Being Denied Access to their Rights to Nationality and Legal Identity
By: Dana Abdulhay and Briana McGowan
Climate Change’s Interconnected Impact on Human Security in Fijian Villages
By: Madalyn Tolbert
Mediterranean Corridors: Tracing the Footsteps of Organized Crime Groups (OCGs) in Migrant Smuggling
By: Aristeidis Bouras
Why We Must View Russia’s Breaches of the Genocide Convention through a Gendered Lens
By: Emily Prey