Our Team


Avery Closser is a second year MALD student at Fletcher studying Human Security and Gender and Intersectional Analysis, with a focus on migration and displacement in Latin America. Prior to starting at Fletcher, Avery worked for an Immigrant Rights Organization in Tacoma, WA, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the World Affairs Council non-profit in Seattle, WA, an intellectual property law firm in Seattle, and, lastly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Avery graduated from the University of Puget Sound with majors in International Political Economy and Spanish, and a minor in Latin American Studies.

Dylan O’Neil is a second-year MALD student studying human security and global governance. He is passionate about migration, in particular migration policy. His current research focuses on migration externalization policies and migration diplomacy. Prior to Fletcher, he worked for several years as an immigration paralegal at Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP in Boston.

Senior Editors

Sarah Haviland is a first-year MALD student studying human security, conflict resolution, and gender and intersectional analysis at Fletcher. She hopes to work at the nexus of conflict and human rights, possibly in the conflict-related sexual violence or children and armed conflict domains. Sarah graduated from Haverford College with a BA in Political Science and a concentration in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Prior to Fletcher, she supported research focused on women’s involvement in and treatment within insurgent groups, contributed to publications on the U.S.–Ethiopia and U.S.–Nigeria security partnerships and the protection of civilians, and supported programs concerning human rights and access to justice in Benin, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

Jillian Mulloy is a first year MALD student concentrating on technology and international affairs, and global governance and international organizations. She is interested in exploring how responsible governance of emerging technologies can effectively address and mitigate complex human security challenges.

Aryama Bhattacharyya is a first year MALD student, focusing on International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution and International Humanitarian Law.  Prior to joining Fletcher, she was involved with the Global Governance Initiative in the Young Leaders Program. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Calcutta.

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