Executive Board & Committees

Executive Board 

President: Mary Stewart V26

President-elect: Colleen Gallagher V27

Vice President: Kirsten Krause V26

Senior Delegate: Soobin Kim V26

Junior Delegate: Yiru (Lily) Ma V27

Senior Treasurer: Emily Hagen V25

Junior Treasurer: Julie Jesurum V27

Secretary: Sonia Shah V27

Learn more about our executive board members here and about each position here!


SAVMA Committees

  • Community service and fundraising
  • Social and student/faculty engagement
  • Professional development
  • SAVMA store
  • Photography

Community Service & Fundraising 

Community service is our way to say to our neighborhood that we are not just students interested only in books and grades. We are students that want to help, be it people or animals. Miss doing something just because it feels good? Last year’s community service projects included blood drives and participation in a Habitat for Humanity Project. The fundraising part of this committee also organizes the biggest SAVMA fundraiser of the year. In addition to supporting SAVMA events, a portion of the proceeds is donated to the Stanley O. Travis Fund, a fund established at TCSVM to assist responsible owners who are unable to meet the full cost of unexpected, necessary veterinary care. Members of this committee will be responsible for requesting financial support from local businesses, coordinating refreshments, advertising sufficiently, preparing a program, and any other duties deemed pertinent.

Anya Trell V26

Sophia Bookas V26

Emily Smith-Kaufman V26

Kristen Lewis V26

Rosemary Salchert V26

Social & Faculty-Student Engagement

The Faculty-Student Engagement Committee will provide students with the opportunity to socialize with faculty outside of the classroom. Events like Trivia Night will allow for casual, fun interactions that will promote a sense of comfortability between students and faculty. This committee is a great way to get to know your fellow students better while also developing relationships with members of the Cummings School faculty. This committee also provides an opportunity for SAVMA members to interact outside the classroom in a casual atmosphere. Some of the events to be hosted by this committee include the First Year BBQ, Dog Wash and the Third Year Kick-Off Party.

Audrey Browning V26

Isabella Swift V26

Alexandra Damren V26

Marisol Rivera-Ramirez V26

Professional Development

This committee provides Tufts veterinary students with the opportunity to explore areas of veterinary medicine not covered in the student curriculum. This is achieved through a lunchtime seminar series featuring veterinarians from various specialties within the profession. This committee also organizes the annual National Veterinary Board Review seminars to prepare third years for the National Veterinary Boards. All these events are free to SAVMA members.

Anna Huddart V26

Massle Thach V26

Faith Kipnis V26


The SAVMA store, located on the second floor of the Campus Center, sells all sorts of Tufts Veterinary School merchandise. The store is managed and run solely by SAVMA members and all the proceeds help fund SAVMA events. Members serving on this committee are responsible for operating the SAVMA Store on a regular basis. Members of this committee are also responsible for organizing and staffing a SAVMA store table during the holiday season, and at school special events such as Open House and Parent’s Day.

Emily Sharp V26

Sally Carnevale V26

Kendal Carvalho V26

Website & Photography

The website and photography committee is the crossroads to all communications between the clubs of TCSVM. We maintain the SAVMA website where any student, member or not, can have a chance to check out what SAVMA is all about. If you have skills in website building and maintenance, this is the place for you. We also take pictures at SAVMA events and share them on the website

Olivia Sterchele V26

Katherine Handley V26

Megan Conley V26

Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee’s goal is to raise awareness of the mental, emotional, and physical problems that our profession and our students face throughout their schooling and careers.  It is dedicated to providing students with healthy ways to manage the stresses of our profession and ways to reach out when needed. It aims to provide support through monthly Wellness events and our yearly Wellness Week held each spring. They also provide much-needed caffeine in the form of coffee stations at popular study spots around campus!

Nicole Remes V26

Lenah Midani V26

Grace Mathis V26

Faculty Advisors