Functional Group Model

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  5. Schwartzberg, S. L., & Barnes, M. A. (2012). Functional Group Model. In Kleinberg, J. (ed.). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Group Psychotherapy, 139-167. Chichester, West Sussex UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  6. Schwartzberg, S. L. & Barnes, M. A. (2011). Occupational therapy groups and adult inpatient psychiatry. The EGPS News: Newsletter of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society, 21(2), p.4.
  7. Barnes, M., & Schwartzberg, S.  L. (2009).  Functional group model Theoretical case study.  In Kielhofner, G., (Ed.),  Conceptual foundations in occupational therapy (4th ed.).  Philadelphia:  FA Davis.
  8. Howe, M.  C., & Schwartzberg, S.  L.  (2001).  A functional approach to group work in occupational therapy (3rd ed.).  Philadelphia: JB Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins.
  9. Howe, M.  C., & Schwartzberg, S.  L.  (1995).  A  functional approach to group work in occupational therapy (2nd ed.).  Philadelphia: JB  Lippincott.
  10. Howe, M.  C., & Schwartzberg, S.  L. (1988).  Structure and process in designing a functional group.  Occupational Therapy in Mental Health:   A Journal of Psychosocial Practice and Research, 8(3), 1-8.
  11. Howe, M.  C., & Schwartzberg, S.  L. (1986).  A functional approach to group work in occupational therapy.  Philadelphia:  JB Lippincott.
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  15. Schwartzberg, S. L.  (2008).  Degree of  structure in group format toward facilitating group alliances, empathy, and cohesion, pp. 201-205.  In S.S. Fehr (ed.), 101 Interventions in group therapy.   Binghamton, NY:  Haworth Press. 
  16. Schwartzberg, S. L.  (2008).  Group process, pp. 387-394. In E.B. Crepeau, E. Cohn, & B.A.B. Schell (Eds.), Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy, 11th ed.  Philadelphia:  Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins.
  17. Schwartzberg, S. L., & Barnes, M. A. (2014). Functional group model: An occupational therapy approach. Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 23(2), E7-E26.
  18. Schwartzberg, S. L., & Barnes, M. A. (2012). Functional Group Model. In Kleinberg, J. (ed.).  The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Group Psychotherapy, pp. 139-167.  Chichester, West Sussex UK:  Wiley-Blackwell.
  19. Schwartzberg, S. L. & Barnes, M. A.  (2011).  Occupational therapy groups and adult inpatient psychiatry.  The EGPS News: Newsletter of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society, 21(2), p.4.
  20. Schwartzberg, S.  L., Howe, M.  C., & Barnes, M.  A.  (2008).  Groups:  Applying the functional group model.  Philadelphia: FA  Davis.
  21. Schwartz, K., &  Schwartzberg, S.  L. (2011).  Psychodynamically informed groups for elders: A comparison of verbal and activity groups.  GROUP Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society, 35(1), 17-31.
  22. Schwartzberg, S. L., Trudeau, S., & Vega, V. (2013).   Principles of  Occupational Therapy Group Outcomes Assessment in Mental Health.  Occupational Therapy in Mental Health:  A Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Research, 29(2), 134-148.