Student Projects


Doctor of Occupational Therapy Students (OTD) Projects, Primary Advisor (unless noted)

  1. Barnes, Mary. Development and Validation of the Group Leader Self-Assessment-R (Barnes, 2012), May 2017.
  2. Berger Rainville, Ellen.  Inclusion of Students with Learning Differences in Higher Education, May 2006.
  3. Blackington, Ashley.  Blast Related TBI Complications- Implications for Community Reintegration of the Returning Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran, May 2011.
  4. Buckley, Cynthia.  A Measurement of the Frequency of Risk in the Home Health Environment, Workplace Safety in Homecare Occupational Therapy Practice, 2013.
  5. Drew, Neal. Implementation Strategies for Transition Service Providers, 2013.
  6. Grinnell, Meredith, Computer Based Occupational Therapy Home Program for Individuals post CVA.  Current.
  7. Higgins, Susan.  Current Perceptions and Practice of Group Work in Occupational Therapy, February 2015.
  8. Hollenbeck, Jan.  Supporting the Competency Needs of Occupational Therapists in School-Based Practice Through Development of a Web-Based Resource, 2009.
  9. Morris, Margaret.  School-Based Collaborative Consultation Practices:  Perspectives of Collaborating Occupational Therapist and Classroom Teacher Dyads, 2011. (Secondary Reader)
  10. Picone, Nicole.  Occupational Therapist’s Role in Disaster Preparedness.  May 2016.
  11. Rappaport, Suzanne.  Occupational Therapy and Circus: Health Professionals’ Perception of a New Intervention, May 2015.
  12. Siebeking, Jill.  Impact of Long-Term Community-Based Brain Injury Programming: A Qualitative Study, May 2006.