Sunday, March 9, 2025

Growing a Middle East Middle Class – Where a Small Investment Goes a Long Way

by Elissa McCarter

Elissa McCarter, Vice President of Development Finance at CHF International, explores the tremendous opportunities presented by the political and social transformation of the Arab Spring to address the economic disparity and lack of opportunity faced by a rising middle class. Small amounts of investment can play a catalytic role in supporting entrepreneurship and the growth of micro and small businesses in the Middle East, where more equitable economic growth and job creation is becoming imperative to survival.

This article describes the role that these small amounts of investment can play and examines some of the models that have been used effectively to leverage private investment for the benefit of low and medium incomes families, highlighting the case of CHF International and its experience in bringing private capital to underserved markets in four countries in the Middle East.

Growing a Middle East Middle Class – Where a Small Investment Goes a Long Way


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