Monday, March 3, 2025

Women of SWFs Initiative

SovereigNET is pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative, The Women of Sovereign Wealth Funds. According to the 2021 OMFIF Gender Balance Index:

  • Less than 1% of leading global financial institutions achieved gender balance in 2021;
  • Only 8 out of 72 SWF CEOs are women, and less than 25% have any women at all in senior management;
  • Sovereign funds remain the least balanced institutions overall compared to commercial and central banks and public pension funds

Levels of Female Presence in Central Banks by Seniority

Source: OMFIF Gender Balance Index 2021
Source: OMFIF Gender Balance Index 2021

Through this new initiative, we aspire to focus increased attention on the significant gender disparity that exists in the employment makeup within SWFs by:

  • Interviewing women in senior leadership positions at SWFs on their work and the steps SWFs can take to reduce the gender gap;
  • Actively researching and sharing evidence that diversity leads to improved performance and business outcomes;
  • Leveraging our network to collect data to reinforce that a greater degree of diversity leads to improved results.

Links to Resources:

If you have anything you’d like to share with us regarding The Women of Sovereign Wealth Funds Initiative, please contact us here:

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