Fauth, R.C., Easterbrooks, M.A., Moosmann, D.A.V., Kotake, C., & Dooley, R.A (2024). Roca: Working with traumatized young women. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University.

Click here to learn more about Roca’s approach to working with young women.

Fauth, R.C., & Moosmann, D.A.V. (2024). Directory of self-report measures of internal engagement. Home
Visiting Applied Research Collaborative (HARC) and Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research, Tufts University.

View the directory of internal engagement here.

Fauth, R.C., Moosmann, D.A.V., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2024). How Roca supports young women experiencing human trafficking. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University.

Click here to read the white paper focused on how Roca supports young women who experience trafficking.

Fauth, R.C., Naeem, U., & Moosmann, D.A.V. (2024). Healthy Families Massachusetts Cost-Benefit Analysis. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University. 

View the research brief for the cost-benefit analysis here.

Posner, E., Colón, M., Thompson, M., Fauth, R., & Goldberg, J. (2024). Community Evaluator Project COVID-19 Disparities Grant Report: Findings from Participatory Evaluation Projects on Pandemic Related Inequities in Massachusetts. Medford, MA: Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University. 

View the Community Evaluator Project COVID-19 Disparities Grant Report here.


Goldberg, J., Thompson, M., Coffman, C., & Moosmann, D.A.V. (2023). Collaboration between Healthy Families Massachusetts (HFM) and Medical Legal Partnership Boston (MLPB): Enhancing Home Visiting to Advance Equity. Medford, MA: Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research, Tufts University.

View the research brief for the MLPB evaluation here.

Kotake, C., Fauth, R.C., Stetler, K., Goldberg, J.L., Silva, C.F., & Manning, S.E. (2023). Improving connections to early childhood systems of care via a universal home visiting program in Massachusetts. Children and Youth Services Review, 150, 106995. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106995

Singhal, N., Fauth, R.C., Thompson, M., Posner, E., & Moosmann, D.A.V. (2023). Recovery Support Through Home Visiting. Medford, MA: Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER). Tufts University.

View the Recovery Support Through Home Visiting Summary here.


Caughy, M.O.B., Brinkley, D.Y., Pacheco, D., Rojas, R., Miao, A., Contreras, M.M., Owen, M.T., Easterbrooks, M.A., & McClelland, M. (2022). Self-regulation development among young Spanish-English dual language learners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 60, 226-236. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2022.02.004

Easterbrooks, M.A., Katz, R.C., Stargel, L.E., & Rohrs, R. (2022). Parenting in the context of adversity: Investigating buffering effects of positive relationships and community connections. Adversity and Resilience Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s42844-022-00085-7

Fauth, R.C., Kotake, C., Manning, S.E., Goldberg, J.L., Easterbrooks, M.A., Buxton, B., & Downs, K. (2022). Timeliness of early identification and referral of infants with social and environmental risks. Prevention Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-022-01453-6

Moosmann, D.V., Singhal, N., & Goldberg, J. (2022). Final Report: An Evaluation of the Perinatal Tobacco Cessation Efforts in Massachusetts. Report to the Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program (MTCP) of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH): Medford, MA: Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University

View the final report for the Perinatal Tobacco Evaluation here.

View the executive summary for the Perinatal Tobacco Evaluation here.

Singhal, N., Fauth, R., Greenstone, J., Goldberg, J., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2022). Father engagement in home visiting: Lessons from Massachusetts. Report to the Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative (HARC): Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research, Tufts University.

View the “Father engagement in home visiting…” report here.

Stargel, L.E., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2022). Children’s early school attendance and stability as a mechanism through which homelessness is associated with academic achievement. Journal of School Psychology, 90, 19-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2021.10.005


Fauth, R.C., & Winestone, J.G. (2021). Home visiting and justice system collaborations: Two programs’ approaches to advocating for justice system-involved parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 120(105742). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105742

Greenstone, J.H., Rohrs, R., Babal, R., Peiris, S., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2021, September). HOPE evaluation year 1 report. Prepared for Healthy Outcomes From Positive Experiences (HOPE): Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University.

View the HOPE evaluation year 1 report here.


Fauth, R.C., Moosmann, D.A.V., Winestone, J.G., Goldberg, J., & Birudavol, J. (2020, June). National scan of home visiting programs for justice system-involved parents. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development, Tufts University.

View the “National scan of home visiting programs…” report here.

Goldberg, J., Fauth, R., Moosmann, D.A.V., Winestone, J.G., & Litovich, M. (2020, October). Massachusetts Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MA MIECHV) 2020 needs assessment. Report to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University.

View the MA MIECHV 2020 needs assessment report here.

Katz, R., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2020). Investigating child care as a contextual asset for children of adolescent mothers. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 66(1), 34-60. https://doi.org/10.13110/merrpalmquar1982.66.1.0034

Menon, M., Fauth, R.C., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2020). Exploring trajectories of young mothers’ parenting stress in early childhood: Associations with protective factors and psychological vulnerabilities. Parenting Science and Practice, 20, 200-228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15295192.2020.1715683

Menon, M., Katz, R.C., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2020). Linking attachment and executive function systems: Relations between attachment representations and self-regulatory skills in children of young mothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(8), 2314-2329https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-020-01759-5

Stargel, L.E., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2020). Diversity of adverse childhood experiences among adolescent mothers and the intergenerational transmission of risk to children’s behavior problems. Social Science and Medicine, 250, 112828. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112828

Stargel, L.E., Fauth, R.C., Goldberg, J.L., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2020). Maternal engagement in a home visiting program as a function of fathers’ formal and informal participation. Prevention Science, 21, 477-486. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11121-020-01090-x


Easterbrooks, M.A., Kotake, C., & Fauth, R.C. (2019). Recurrence of maltreatment after newborn home visiting: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Public Health, 109(5), 729-735.


Easterbrooks, M.A., Fauth, R.C., Menon, M., Stargel, L.E., & Kotake, C. (2018). The Massachusetts Healthy Families Evaluation Phase 2 (MHFE-2): Time 6 summary report. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University.

View “The Massachusetts Healthy Families Evaluation…” report here.

Easterbrooks, M.A., Katz, R.C., Kotake, C., Stelmach, N.P., & Chaudhuri, J.H. (2018). Intimate partner violence in the first two years of life: Implications for toddlers’ behavior regulation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(7), 1192-1214. doi.org/10.1177/0886260515614562

Fauth, R.C., Winestone, J.G., & Goldberg, J. (2018, May). Home visiting for system involved young mothers: A longitudinal investigation of risks, supports, and outcomes. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University.

View the “Home visiting for system involved young mothers…” here.

Goldberg, J., Litovich, M., & Citino, C. (2018, December). Massachusetts Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MA MIECHV) formula grant evaluation. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University; Institute’s Applied Research and Program Evaluation Group (UMDI), UMass Donahue Institute.

View the MA MIECHV formula grant evaluation here.

Goldberg, J., Winestone, J.G., Fauth, R., Colón, M., & Mingo, M.V. (2018). Getting to the warm hand-off: A study of home visitor referral activities. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22(1), 22-32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-018-2529-7

Sherman, F., Winestone, J.G., & Fauth, R. (2018, December 19). Collaborations between the juvenile justice system and home visiting programs: Roundtable report out and policy guidelines. Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Tufts University.

View the “Collaborations between the juvenile justice system and home visiting programs…” report here.

Stargel, L.E., Fauth, R.C., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2018). Home visiting program impacts on reducing homelessness among young mothers. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 27(1), 89-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/10530789.2017.1396740


Bartlett, J.D., Kotake, C., Fauth, R., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2017). Intergenerational transmission of child abuse and neglect: Do maltreatment type, perpetrator, and substantiation status matter? Child Abuse and Neglect, 63, 84-94.

Easterbrooks, M.A., Chaudhuri, J., Fauth, R., Contreras, M., Kotake, C., Moosmann, D.A.V, Katz, R., Menon, M., Brady, M., & Doherty, L. (2017, December). The Massachusetts Healthy Families Evaluation-2: Early childhood (MHFE-2EC): Follow-up study of a randomized, controlled trial of a statewide home visiting program for young parents. Final Report to Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Children’s Trust of Massachusetts: Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research, Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University.

View the executive summary of the MHFE-2EC follow-up report here.

View the full MHFE-2EC follow-up report here.

Easterbrooks, M.A., Crossman, M.K., Caruso, A., Raskin, M., & Miranda-Julian, C. (2017). Maternal mind-mindedness and toddler behavior problems: The moderating role of maternal trauma and post-traumatic stress. Development and Psychopathology, 29, 1-12.

Easterbrooks, M.A., Fauth, R.C., & Lamoreau, R. (2017). Effects of a home visiting program on parenting: Mediating role of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(1-2).

Raskin, M., Easterbrooks, M.A., Fauth, R.C., Jacobs, F., Fosse, N.E., Goldberg, J.L., & Mistry, J. (2017). Patterns of goal attainment among young mothers in a home visiting program. Applied Developmental Science, 23(2), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2017.1357475

Reddy, J.A., Mistry, J., & Jacobs, F. (2017). Rapid repeat birth: Intersections between meaning-making and situational support among multiparous adolescent mothers. Journal of Adolescent Research, 32(6).


Easterbrooks, M.A., Kotake, C., Raskin, M., & Bumgarner, E. (2016). Patterns of depression among adolescent mothers: Resilience related to father support and home visiting program. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 86(1), 61-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ort0000093

Goldberg, J., Bumgarner, E., & Jacobs, F. (2016). Measuring program- and individual-level fidelity in a home visiting program for adolescent parents. Evaluation and Program Planning, 55, 163-173.

Jacobs, F., Easterbrooks, M.A., Goldberg, J., Mistry, J., Bumgarner, E., Raskin, M., Fosse, N., & Fauth, R. (2016). Improving adolescent parenting: Results from a randomized controlled trial of a home visiting program for young families. American Journal of Public Health, 106(2), 342-349.

Mistry, J., Easterbrooks, M.A., Fauth, R. C., Raskin, M., Jacobs, F., & Goldberg, J. (2016). Heterogeneity among adolescent parents and home visiting program outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 65, 86-93.

Raskin, M., Easterbrooks, M.A., Lamoreau, R.S., Kotake, C., & Goldberg, J. (2016). Depression trajectories of antenatally depressed and non-depressed young mothers: Implications for child socio-emotional development. Women’s Health Issues, 26(3), 344-350.

Raskin, M., Fosse, N., Fauth, R.C., Bumgarner, E., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2016). Relationship types among adolescent parents participating in a home visiting program: A latent transition analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 30(3), 375-385.


Bartlett, J.D., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2015). The moderating effect of relationships on intergenerational risk for infant neglect by young mothers. Child Abuse and Neglect, 45, 21-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.02.018

Easterbrooks, M.A., Katz, R.C., Kotake, C., Stelmach, N.P., & Chaudhuri, J.H. (2015). Intimate partner violence in the first two years of life: Implications for toddlers’ behavior regulation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(7).

Jacobs, F., Easterbrooks, A., & Mistry, J. (2015, March). The Massachusetts Healthy Families Evaluation-2 (MHFE-2): A randomized, controlled trial of a statewide home visiting program for young parents. Final Report to the Children’s Trust of Massachusetts: Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER), Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University.

View the executive summary for the MHFE-2 report here.

View the full MHFE-2 report here.

Mingo, M.V., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2015). Patterns of emotional availability in mother–infant dyads: Associations with multiple levels of context. Infant Mental Health Journal, 36(5), 469-482.

Raskin, M., Fosse, N.E., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2015). The influence of mother’s depression on her reports of father involvement and child behavioral problems: A latent state trait approach. Infant Mental Health Journal, 36(1), 88-103.


Bartlett, J.D., Raskin, M., Kotake, C., Nearing, K.D., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2014). An ecological analysis of infant neglect by adolescent mothers. Child Abuse and Neglect, 38(4), 723-734. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.11.011

Easterbrooks, M.A., Raskin, M., & McBrian, S.F. (2014). Father involvement and toddlers’ behavioral regulation: Evidence from a high social risk sample. Fathering, 12, 71-93. https://doi.org/10.3149/fth.1201.71

Swartz, M. & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2014). The role of parent, provider, and child characteristics in parent-provider relationships in infant and toddler classrooms. Early Education and Development, 25(4), 573-598


Easterbrooks, M.A., Bartlett, J.D., Raskin, M., Goldberg, J., Contreras, M.M., Kotake, C., Chaudhuri, J.H., & Jacobs, F.H. (2013). Limiting home visiting effects: Maternal depression as a moderator of child maltreatment. Pediatrics, 132(2), S126-S133.

Goldberg, W.A., Tan, E.T., Davis. C.R., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2013). What predicts parental involvement by young fathers at psychosocial risk? Fathering, 11(3), 280-291. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.3149/fth.1103.280


Bartlett, J.D., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2012). Links between physical abuse in childhood and child neglect among adolescent mothers. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(11), 2164-2169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2012.07.011


Easterbrooks, M.A., Chaudhuri, J.H., Bartlett, J.D., & Copeman, A. (2011). Resilience in parenting among young mothers: Family and ecological risks and opportunities. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(1), 42-50.


Diez, V. & Mistry, J. (2010). Early childbearing and educational attainment among mainland Puerto Rican teens. Journal of Adolescent Research, 25(5), 690-715. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743558410366592

Jacobs, F., Swartz, M., Bartlett, J.D., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2010). Placing relationships at the core pf early care and education programs. In B.M Lester & J.D. Sparrow (Eds.) Nurturing children and families: Building on the legacy of T. Berry Brazelton (pp. 341-352). Blackwell Publishing.


Chaudhuri, J.H., Easterbrooks, M.A. & Davis, C.R. (2009). The relation between emotional availability and parenting style: Cultural and economic factors in a diverse sample of young mothers. Parenting: Science and Practice, 9(3), 277-299. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15295190902844613

Jacobs, F., & Goldberg, J. (2009). Evaluating contemporary social programs: Challenges and opportunities. In M. E. Kenny, A. M. Horne, P. Orpinas, & L. E. Reese (Eds.), Realizing social justice: The challenge of preventive interventions (pp. 97–122). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/11870-005

Mistry, J., Jacobs, F., & Jacobs, L. (2009). Cultural relevance as program-to-community alignment. Journal of Community Psychology, 37 (4), 487-504.


Easterbrooks, M.A., Driscoll, J.R., & Bartlett, J.D. (2008). Resilience in infancy: A relational approach. Research in Human Development, 5(3)139-152. https://doi.org/10.1080/15427600802273987

Riley, S., Brady, A., Goldberg, J., Jacobs, F., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2008). Once the door closes: Understanding the parent-provider relationship. Children and Youth Services Review, 30(5), 597-612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2007.11.011

Swartz, M., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2008). Enhancing parent-provider relationships and communication in infant and toddler classrooms. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 4, 53-71https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A220640571/AONE?u=mlin_m_tufts&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=dc833b0d


Driscoll, J. R. & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2007). Young mothers’ play with their toddlers: Individual variability as a function of psychosocial factors. Infant and Child Development, 16(6), 649-670. https://doi.org/10.1002/icd.515

Easterbrooks, M.A., Barrett, L.R., Brady, A.E., & Davis, C.R. (2007). Complexities in research on fathering: Illustrations from the Tufts study of young fathers. Applied Developmental Science, 11(4), 214-220.

Easterbrooks, M.A., & Jacobs, F. (2007). Enhancing child care practice: Relationships-based interventions to support providers, parents, and children. Newsletter of the Boston Institute for the Development of Infants and Parents, 25. 


Easterbrooks, M.A., Chaudhuri, J.H., and Gestsdottir, S. (2005). Patterns of emotional availability among young mothers and their infants: A dyadic, contextual analysis. Infant Mental Health Journal, 26(4), 309-326.

Jacobs, F., Easterbrooks, M. A., Brady, A., & Mistry, J. (2005, May). Healthy Families Massachusetts: Final evaluation report. Massachusetts Healthy Families Evaluation, Tufts University.

View the Healthy Families Massachusetts report here.


Easterbrooks, M.A., Brady, A.E., Barrett, L.R., Sobey, S., & Golin, J. (2003). Supporting young families by understanding young fathers. Newsletter of the Boston Institute for the Development of Infants and Parents, 21, 3-6. 

Jacobs, F.H. (2003). Child and family program evaluation: Learning to enjoy complexity. Applied Developmental Science, 7(2), 62-75.