Ben’s schooling paper is out!

Giant danios can school without their lateral line, but they do not school in the dark. But they DO sense one another in the dark, just not enough to form a coherent school. Just published in Journal of Experimental Biology

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Viscosity paper (finally) is out!

Lampreys (mostly) regulate their swimming waveform when forces on their bodies change. This was a project that started in 2013 with undergrad researcher Lauren Oswald (now Lauren Cooper). It’s now out in the Journal of Experimental Biology!

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Lateral line ablation methods paper is out!

Former grad student Jerry Mekdara was so thorough in testing different chemicals for ablating the lateral line that we decided to publish a paper documenting the differences. See

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Two papers out in Integrative and Comparative Biology!

Cassandra Donatelli’s paper on vertebral morphology and Jerry Mekdara’s paper on tail beat synchronization in schooling fish are both out in the issue of Integrative and Comparative Biology devoted to the tails symposium!

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Pressure field paper is out!

Kelsey Lucas’s paper on the pressure field around swimming bluegill and trout is out at Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences!

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Acceleration EMG paper is out!

Margot Schwalbe’s paper on muscle activity during acceleration in bluegill is out at Scientific Reports!

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Acceleration hydrodynamics paper is out!

Tyler Wise’s senior thesis on the hydrodynamics of linear acceleration in bluegill is out in Journal of Experimental Biology!

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Muscle paper

The muscle paper is out in Integrative and Comparative Biology! Muscle stiffness and damping depend on length AND activation, so animals can tune their effective stiffness. Plus some cool work with harmonic transfer functions.

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The schooling paper is out

Jerry Mekdara’s paper on schooling is published in the Journal of Experimental Biology!

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We’re going to SICB

Lots of good work from the lab at SICB in San Francisco this year!  Perturbing muscle, fish swimming in waves, zapping the lateral line, and beautiful CT scans.

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