YSL Group Members

Meet all the current group members here. For a list of past members that have contributed their work to the YSL Lab, see Lab Alumni. If you are interested in joining the YSL Group, please follow the steps at the bottom of the page.

Postdoctoral Scholars

Dr. Arghya Ghosh

(arghya.ghosh at tufts.edu, 2022–)
B.S., Chemistry, Visva-Bharati University, India
·  M.S., Chemistry, Visva-Bharati University, India
·  M.S., Chemistry, University of Louisville
·  Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Louisville

Dr. Jiayuan Miao

(jiayuan.miao at tufts.edu, 2017–)
B.S., Physics, Shandong University, China
·  M.S., Experimental High Energy Physics, Shandong University, China
·  Ph.D., Physics, Case Western Reserve University
·  ORCID 0000-0003-1112-1927

Dr. Maxim Secor

(maxim.secor at tufts.edu, 2023–)
B.A., Chemistry, Boston University
·  M.A., Chemistry, Boston University
·  Ph.D., Chemistry, Yale University
·  ORCID 0000-0003-2569-2384

Graduate Students

Nomindari Bayaraa

(nomindari.bayaraa at tufts.edu, 2021–)
B.S., Chemistry, Columbia College

Minh Ho

(minh.ho at tufts.edu, 2021–)
B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (with minor in Chemistry), University of Massachusetts Amherst
·  ORCID 0009-0000-8054-0362

Tiffani Hui

(tiffani.hui at tufts.edu, 2020–)
B.A., Biochemistry (with minor in Mathematics), Wellesley College

Tiffani was a 2024 DESRES Doctoral Fellow

Postdoc Positions

Postdocs in our group are usually computational chemists experienced in peptide molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and machine learning (ML). Postdoc candidates must have a strong foundation in both MD and ML and extensive experience in their applications; experience with enhanced sampling methods, GROMACS, and PLUMED is a plus.

If you are interested or know someone who might be interested, please send along (or have them send along) a CV and a couple of relevant publications to Prof. Lin at yu-shan.lin@tufts.edu

Graduate Students Interested in the YSL Group

Although some modeling or simulation experience is great, you don’t need to have prior computational chemistry experience to join our group! We will train you from the beginning and get you up to speed. As long as you like peptides and proteins and are not afraid of math, physics, and computers, we will get you there! Feel free to reach out to Prof. Lin and any graduate students in the group. You can find their emails on this page.

Undergraduate Students Interested in the YSL Group

For Tufts undergraduate students (first-years or sophomores) who are interested in the YSL Group, please apply on the chemistry department website here.

For other research opportunities in the Chemistry Department: Check out the chemistry faculty members’ research websites. You can find them here.

For other research opportunities in computational science at Tufts: Look up Tim Atherton in Physics, Lenore Cowen and Soha Hassoun in Computer Science, and Prashant Deshlahra in Chemical and Biological Engineering.