Below are brief descriptions of the many clubs and organizations supported by SAVMA and corresponding contact information.
American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition (Nutrition Club)
The aim of TSCAAVN is to create a community that is educated about animal nutrition and able to effectively communicate this knowledge with others. Nutrition is such an important topic in today’s world with the many different pet food companies and diets out there- as well as ongoing research discovering links between nutrition and overall health. We will have meetings where we discuss current relevant topics in nutrition, go through case studies and work on client communication skills to talk with owners about their pets’ nutrition options.
Student contact: Mallory LeBlanc (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Deborah Linder
American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP)
The Tufts student chapter of AAEP strives to increase the educational opportunities in equine medicine. Members receive the benefits of talks/panel discussions about important medial and professional issues, financial support to attend conferences, networking with professionals, opportunity to attend Opportunities in Equine Medicine in Kentucky, hands on experience with vaccinating/drawing blood/floating teeth, a farrier clinic on campus, wet labs, and scholarship opportunities. Membership includes subscription to Equus and The Horse magazines.
Student contact: Béa Pierrepont (V27), Krista Braun (V26)
Advisors: Dr. Wade Tenney
American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP)
The AAFP is a national organization for veterinarians and students interested in feline medicine as an important subset of small animal medicine. Student membership includes access to the AAFP member’s only section of the website as well as the organization’s monthly newsletter (e-mews). The club sponsors guest lecturers, wet labs and small group case discussions.
Student contact: Anya Trell (V26), Sophie Metois (V27)
Advisor: Dr. India Napier
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM)
The mission of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) is to enhance animal and human health by advancing veterinary internal medicine through training, education, and discovery.
Student contact: Noah Dwyer (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Mary Labato
American Society for Lab Animal Practitioners (ASLAP)
Laboratory animal medicine is a small specialty with a very broad reach. We care for and are responsible for the humane care and use of all species used in research, teaching, and testing. We are proud advocates for animal welfare and ethics, and for the responsible use of animals to advance human and animal health. We hope to promote thoughtful consideration of ethical issues in the field and practice of veterinary medicine and laboratory animal medicine, and to help veterinary students navigate complex issues relating to ethics and animal welfare.
Contact: Hanna Vescovi (V26), Morgan Dougherty (V26)
Advisor: Dr. India Napier
Association of Asian Veterinary Medical Practitioners (AAVMP)
Student contact: Audrey Browning (V26), Izzy Eisendrath (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Flo Tseng
Association of Avian Veterinarians (Avian Club)
The Avian Club helps members explore their interests in avian medicine, whether in wildlife, companion bird, or commercial poultry-type practice. Along with a trip to the annual Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV) conference, the club sponsors weekend sessions such as an avian clinical procedures wetlab (including IO catheterization, venipuncture, air sac cannula placement, etc.), necropsy labs, wild bird capture and field technique courses, and other excellent ways to get exposure to avian medicine. We have also run field trips to a local avian rescue organization and the New England aquarium, as well as sponsoring lunch talks on a variety of topics relating to wild and companion birds. Our topics are dependent on member interests – so join us and tell us what you’d like to find out more about!
Student contact: Danielle Scott (V27), Caitlin Borges (V27)
Advisor: Dr. Trinita Barboza
Behavior & Welfare Club
The Behavior & Welfare Club (formally called the Behavior Club) strives to educate the Tufts veterinary community on the specialty of veterinary behavior. We organize talks with behavior specialists both from the Tufts community and outside. We work closely with shelter medicine club, and other clubs on campus, to relate issues of behavior in all different animal species and settings. We set up wet labs for hands on experience with different breeds, plan field trips, and arrange small group lunch talks that are specifically for members of the club.
Student contact: Ariella Walker (V26), Katie Handley (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Borns-Weil
Canine Club
The Canine Club at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University aims to cultivate a community of dog-loving members who are interested in learning more about dog related medicine and activities. The club will focus on topics such as: breeding, dog showing, genetic testing of purebred dogs, advancements in canine medical research, and promoting a positive breeder-veterinarian relationship. We also strive to build a strong relationship with the AKC and attend AKC dog events such as dock diving, scent training, and agility trials. We are partnered with the Ladies Dog Club of Massachusetts who sponsor Tufts students for annual trips to the Trap Falls Dog Show.
Student contact: Izzy Swift (V26), Sarah Goodman (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Liz Rozanski
Christian Veterinary Fellowship (CVF)
Tufts CVF student chapter is a group of Christian students that meets once a week at 7:30am in the loud study lounge of AVA for a prayer meeting. We read a short passage or prayer to begin and then proceed to share our concerns and praises before praying for one another. Despite being early, it is a wonderful start to the day and allows us to support and encourage one another each week. Additionally, students in CVF often attend an annual weekend conference called Real Life, Real Impact (RL/RI) during the spring semester. RL/RI is a fantastic opportunity for students from various veterinary schools in the region and clinicians from around the country to gather for fellowship, worship, and a time to discuss living a Christian life through veterinary medicine. CVF students from Tufts have also participated in veterinary mission trips both domestically and abroad. There is no membership fee and we welcome any new members, Christian or not.
Student contact: Claire Christopher (V27), Danielle Galli (V25)
Advisor: Dr. Lynn Roy
CSVM Bee Clinic
Student contact: Becca Ascherman (V26), Megan Conley (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Kirsten Bubeck, Dr. Robert Dwyer
Diagnostic Imaging Club
The Tufts Diagnostic Imaging Club seeks to provide members with additional opportunities outside of the core curriculum to become more comfortable with this challenging area of veterinary medicine. The club hosts monthly lunchtime radiology rounds led by faculty members to practice imaging interpretation and holds talks on imaging specific topics. Proficiency in veterinary diagnostic imaging is an essential part of small animal, equine, large animal, wildlife and exotics, which is why students with diverse interests will find this club and the opportunities it provides beneficial.
Student contact: Rachel Strack (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Amy Sato
Holistic Medicine Club
The holistic/integrative medicine club aims to educate students about non traditional (western) approaches to veterinary medicine. It is important to foster an understanding of other cultures’ practices, including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, CBD, physical/energy manipulation, massage therapy, etc. Our goal is to give students an opportunity to get hands-on experience in various aspects of this up and coming field.
Student contact: Caitlin Russotti (V26), Taylor Miller (V26)
Advisors: Dr. Randy Caviness, Dr. Kirstin Bubeck, and Diane Richard
Jewish Association of Veterinary Students (JAVS)
Student contact: Jeremy Jesselson (V27)
Advisors: Dr. Stephanie Borns-Weil
Latinx Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA)
The Tufts Cummings Chapter of LVMA strives to empower and support Latinx veterinary professionals and future generations of Latinx veterinarians. Our goal is to foster a Latinx community of students, faculty, and other professionals within our campus and beyond. We aim to achieve this through the national organization’s pillars of empowerment: professional development, mentorship, outreach, and scholarship. Our chapter will work with the national organization and other student chapters to create a veterinary community that is representative of our society in order to make veterinary care more accessible to the Latinx community.
Student contact: Michelle Mounier (V26), Victoria Perez (V26)
Advisors: Dr. Gisela Martinez-Romero
Pathology Club
For those interested in pathology, Tufts ACVP chapter hosts monthly lunchtime talks and weekend wet labs for student members. A fall wet lab focuses on histopathology and a spring wet lab focuses on gross pathology. We aim to provide fun opportunities for members to learn more about the field of veterinary pathology.
Student contact: Sara Pantel (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Perry Bain, Dr. Rosa
Shelter Medicine Club (SCASV)
The mission of the Tufts Student Chapter of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians is to advance the practice of shelter medicine and to further veterinary education and research as it relates to animals’ health in shelters. We sponsor lectures with guest speakers and organize hands-on wet labs to educate future veterinarians about the practice of shelter medicine. Some of the topics discussed include: the role of animal control, humane organizations, and veterinarians in shelter medicine; the prevention, management, and control of infectious disease and trauma in the shelter setting; behavioral evaluation, management, training, and rehab; pet sterilization methods; and animal cruelty recognition and reporting. SCASV aims to support local shelters or other related programs designed to help homeless animals. We are also committed to encouraging and assisting students to participate in externships and selectives with practicing shelter veterinarians.
Student contact: Katie Handley (V26), Ariella Walker (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Yuki Nakayama
Student Chapter of the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians (SARAV) (Reptile Club)
Student contact: Rowan Adrian (V27)
Advisor: Dr. Marjorie Bercier
Student Livestock Organization (SLO)
The Student Livestock Organization (SLO) is the parent group for the AABP (bovine), AASRP (small ruminants), and AASV (swine). We organize several practical labs each year and monthly rounds with our ambulatory vets. Our goal is to help students gain experience working with various types of livestock. Among other activities, this past year we sponsored a poultry-handling lab on campus, a full day of hoof trimming at a local sheep farm, and an AI certification lab. We also helped cover the costs for students interested in attending the Large Animal Symposium at Cornell University. We are always looking for new ideas for our members so we would be happy to hear from new members if there is something you would like to learn or teach. Look for posters during the first week of school to learn more about the club.
Student contact: Emilie Zukowski (V27)
Advisor: Dr. David Hernke
Student Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (SVECCS)
SVECCS works to promote the education and involvement of veterinary students in all aspects of emergency and critical care medicine. We sponsor clinical case presentations by interns, residents and faculty, wetlabs that teach fundamental technical skills needed by all veterinarians, and offer pet first aid seminars to local groups.
Contact: Lauren Ellingsberg (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Rozanski
Student Veterinary Surgical Society (SVSS)
The Student Veterinary Surgical Society (SVSS) aims to allow students the opportunity to explore their interest in the surgical field as well as begin cultivating their surgical skills from the very beginning of their veterinary careers. This club is open to students interested in small animal, large animal and wildlife surgery, since the skills necessary for a surgeon and the steps we take to reach our end goal are universal.
Student contact: Kendal Carvalho (V27), Caitlin Russoti (V26)
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Kudej
Students for One Health (SOH)
The New England Students for One Health work to provide students with opportunities to put their One Health ideas into action. One Health is the concept that human, animal, and environmental health are intricately linked in such a way that to truly address the health challenges facing our communities, we must work together across disciplines to reach more holistic, sustainable solutions. Through lunch talks, field trips, and a supportive network of faculty, we help to expose students to career opportunities for the future and current One Health initiatives they can be involved in while at Cummings School. Current projects include: a partnership with North St. Elementary to teach One Health concepts to the third grade, One Health PBL cases to be shared with the medical and dental schools, and a community garden for the Grafton campus.
Student cntact: Reagan Munday (V27)
Advisor: Dr. Hellen Amuguni
Tufts Veterinary Council on Diversity (TVCD)
Founded in 2014, the Tufts Veterinary Council on Diversity (TVCD) serves as the umbrella organization for the student chapters of national diversity-related organizations: the Pride Student Veterinary Medical Community (PrideSVMC; previously known as the Broad Spectrum Veterinary Student Association) and the Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative (WVLDI). Our focus has since expanded to now include representatives for veterinary students, graduate students, faculty, house officers, staff, and administrative personnel from Cummings School in order to address issues and guide initiatives regarding diversity and inclusion across campus. Our overarching mission is to champion campus-wide efforts aimed to create an environment where all individuals are respected, and diversity and inclusion are embrace.
Contact: Maria Munoz-Ochoa (V27)
Advisor: Dr. Francisco Conrado
PrideSVMC The Pride Student Veterinary Medical Community (PrideSVMC) is dedicated to connecting, supporting and empowering LGBTQIA+ students at Cummings. As we rebuild our organization, we hope to find new ways to make sure LGBTQIA+ Cummings community members feel supported and heard on campus.
Student contact: Chelsea Berkowitz (V26)
WVDLI Our goal as the Tufts’ Chapter of Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative (WVLDI) is to help all students foster the skills and confidence to become leaders in their chosen veterinary field. While veterinary classes these days are predominantly female women still only hold 25% of leadership roles within organized veterinary medicine. The Tufts’ Chapter of WVLDI hopes to educate students about the challenges faced by women veterinarians seeking leadership positions and to help students develop the abilities needed to achieve leadership and decision-making positions in all areas of the veterinary community.
Student contact: Allie Damren (V26, Sasha Fong (V26)
Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA)
The Veterinary Business Management Association is a student-driven organization dedicated to advancing the profession through increasing business knowledge, creating networking opportunities, and empowering students to achieve their personal and professional goals. Please see our website,, for more information.
Contact: Soobin Kim (V26), Izzy Min (V27)
Advisors: Dr. Steve Rowell
Veterinary Disaster Response Club
The veterinary disaster response club was formed in response to growing realization of the importance of including animals in disaster plans. With several recent large-scale natural disasters involving large numbers of domestic animals, the critical role of veterinarians in disaster relief has become immediately apparent. We aim to introduce students and faculty to the role they might play in disaster response as well as educate the community in ways to prepare for and take care of their families and pets in the event of a disaster.
Student contact: Varsha Giri (V27)
Advisor: Dr. Flo Tseng
Wildlife, Aquatic, Zoo, and Exotic Medicine Club (WAZE)
W.A.Z.E. (Wildlife, Aquatics, Zoo, Exotics) is the largest student organization at the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. The goal of WAZE is to provide veterinary students with access to the most current information regarding the medicine and conservation of wildlife, aquatic, zoo and exotic species. These are species of increasing interest and concern in the veterinary community and can only be covered briefly in the Tufts curriculum. WAZE promotes education in these fields through a variety of lunchtime lectures, workshops, field trips and rounds throughout the year. Furthermore, WAZE offers continuing education credit to veterinary professionals. WAZE is sponsored in part by the Annelisa M Kilbourn Conservation Medicine Fund. Annually, WAZE holds a Fall Symposium, which brings in speakers from around the country to discuss current events and issues specific to the year’s topic. The Symposium is open to all members of the campus and community.
Contact: Julia Gardner (V27)
Advisors: Dr. Maureen Murray