Executive Board Positions


These two roles work together to serve as leaders of the Tufts SAVMA chapter. The President-Elect serves for one year before transitioning into the President’s role for one year. As President-Elect, you are predominantly in charge of overseeing all the SAVMA committees, while the President is in charge of overseeing all of the SAVMA clubs.

On a national level, these roles serve to represent Tufts in the Chapter President/President-Elect meetings at conferences such as SAVMA Symposium in February, AVMA Convention in the summer, and the SAVMA Chapter Summit in the fall where you have the opportunity to discuss successes, challenges, and how best to support your chapter’s SAVMA members, with representatives from other chapters. A vital piece of this role also includes maintaining relationships between the student body, administration, club and committee leaders, and national SAVMA to ensure the success of SAVMA at Tufts. Overall, the President position is a great opportunity to learn about creative and interactive leadership and make connections nationwide!

Vice President

Vice President is a two-year role that is responsible for maintaining our school chapter’s membership records. VP maintains up-to-date records of dues payment and membership status using records from national level SAVMA. The VP also maintains records of committee involvement/participation for students across vet school classes and confirms that all members of every club are active SAVMA members who have paid their membership dues, are in good standing, and are completing their SAVMA requirements. All of this is very important in ensuring that our Tufts SAVMA chapter has an adequate level of membership which will allow us to vote on initiatives and stay involved at the national level.

VP is also responsible for communicating information about membership benefits, encouraging students to pay their dues and assisting them with that process, and assuring that graduating students are in good standing so that they can receive their post-graduation benefits. Throughout the year, VP also answers students’ questions about SAVMA requirements and membership status and helps with other additional tasks and processes that the SAVMA executive board is responsible for!


Junior Delegate is a 2-year commitment, transitioning to Senior Delegate in your second year. You will be serving as a liaison between Tufts and national SAVMA, so you will have both local and national responsibilities. You will be representing Tufts in the national SAVMA House of Delegates, where 2 delegates from each veterinary school across the country come together to discuss and vote on issues affecting the vet profession, education, and student life.

You will be sharing any updates from national SAVMA with the Tufts SAVMA e-board, and emailing monthly newsletters to promote events and grant opportunities. Both Junior and Senior Delegates will attend SAVMA Symposium and AVMA Convention each year to meet with the House of Delegates (total four events over the course of your 2-year position). At SAVMA Symposium, you will get to join a specific committee (Global and Public Health, Communications and Diversity, Community Outreach, etc.). Throughout the year, you will meet with your committee virtually to share ideas, discuss, and organize grants/scholarships and events that will have a positive impact on vet students nationwide!


SAVMA Junior Treasurer is a 2-year position that transitions into Senior Treasurer in your second year. As Junior Treasurer, you work very closely with the Senior Treasurer to come up with SAVMA’s budget for the year, including the budgets for the SAVMA Committees and the budget for club funding. Other duties include coordinating travel grants and keeping track of SAVMA spending. The Junior Treasurer also communicates with committee leaders and members to organize reimbursements for spending. The Senior Treasurer designs the yearly budget for SAVMA, including allocating funds for the school store, other committees, clubs and travel grants. Other duties include communicating with our tax accountant during tax season and helping the Junior Treasurer coordinate funding distribution.  If you’re a Microsoft Excel nerd or enjoy chatting about personal finance, consider the role of SAVMA Junior Treasurer! 


The SAVMA Secretary position is a two-year role that serves alongside the rest of the SAVMA executive board. The Secretary oversees the SAVMA e-mail and facilitates questions and comments that come to the executive board. The Secretary also records meeting minutes at executive board meetings, updates the CANVAS page with meeting minutes, and is responsible for the SAVMA website. The Secretary also works to manage the SAVMA Google Drive for the executive board to use and assists other executive board positions as needed.