Tufts Neuro Network Open House – Fall 2018
- Poster session with Tufts faculty, post-docs and grad students on current research
- Tours of the SEC labs
- Networking within the Tufts neuroscience community
- Keynote speaker:
President, Tufts University
Poster Presentations:
3D bioengineered neural tissue to mitigate acute cerebral inflammation after brain transplantation in rats
Volha Liaudanskaya
3D in vitro blood-brain barrier tissue model
Yu-Ting Dingle
A new murine model for aggressive motivation: extrahypothalamic CRF and persistent escalation by alcohol
Herb Covington
Changes in macrophage metabolism in response to pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory stimuli
Isabel Smokelin
Corticotropin releasing factor invigorates cocaine-seeking via CRF-R2 in the nucleus accumbens core
Michael Leonard
Deconstructing the motivational components of natural reinforcers in mice: critical role for CRF in anticipatory arousal
Herb Covington
Do organisms require brains to display intelligence? Clues from primitive ameboid organisms
Nirosha Murugan
Escalation of I.V. cocaine self-administration in a subset of C57BL/6J mice after social defeat stress
Danielle Arena
Exploring the role of delta-GABAa receptors in the anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects of alcohol
Alyssa DiLeo
How do fish swim?
Jerry Mekdara
Investigating the role of innervation in breast cancer metastasis
Will Le
Mapping the proteome of the synaptic cleft through proximity labeling reveals new cleft proteins
Tony Cijsouw
Neuroegineering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) model and mitigating secondary damage with bioelectric compounds
Nicolas Rouleau
Neurological predictors of treatment response in post-traumatic stress disorder
Cecilia Hinojosa
Non-invasive, label-free imaging illustrates heterogeneity in glioblastoma subpopulations
Craig Mizzoni
Persistent female social defeat stress and escalated alcohol intake in female C57BL/6J mice
Emily Newman
Sculpting neural stem cell identity with the ubiquitin-proteasome system
Camila Barrios Camacho
Past Neuro Network Open House Events: