

Study Challenges Assumptions About How Tuberculosis Bacteria Grow. Tufts Now: November 2024

Bree Aldridge Joins AIMBE College of Fellows. March 25, 2024

Tufts Scientists Use Artificial Intelligence to Improve Tuberculosis TreatmentsTufts Now: September 2022

What is combination drug therapy? Tufts Now: January 2022

Consequential drug combinations for tuberculosis treatments Cell Systems: November 2021

New cell profiling method could speed TB drug discovery Tufts Now: August 2020

How researchers are revamping antimicrobial drugs. Nature Outlook: October 2020

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighters Tufts Medicine: March 2019

Taking on TB Tufts Magazine: November 2018

DiaMOND in the Rough Harvard Medical School News: October 20, 2017

New Method to Measure How Drugs Interact Tufts Now: October 16, 2017

Mycobacteria that are long in the tooth: the roles of cell age and length in drug tolerance Nature Reviews Microbiology: July 12, 2016

Individual mycobacteria respond differently to antibiotics based on growth and timing Tufts Now: July 1, 2016

LabTV: Curious About Tuberculosis NIH Director’s Blog: June 11, 2015

LabTV profile of Bree Aldridge by Sesheta Mwanza LabTV: April, 2014 (Press release announcing Sesheta as a LabTV finalist, Tufts University Press Release)

Fighting Back Against TB Tufts Now: March 25, 2014

How TB evades treatment Science for the Public: December 10, 2013

Tufts University tuberculosis researcher wins grant Sampan: November 1, 2013

Tufts professor given award for research on tuberculosis The Tufts Daily: October 24, 2013

Bree Aldridge Receives NIH Director’s New Innovator Award TUSM News: September 30, 2013

$50K for professor’s TB research The Tufts Daily: February 27, 2013

Tufts Microbiologist Awarded Sloan Research Fellowship for Work in Tuberculosis Tufts NOW: February 14, 2013

Scientists uncover evidence on how drug-resistant tuberculosis cells form Harvard School of Public Health News: December 15, 2011

Why some TB cells resist antibiotics Harvard Gazette: December 16, 2011

Why Tuberculosis Is So Hard to Cure AAAS: December 15, 2011

‘Fuzzy logic’ reveals cells’ inner workings MIT News: April 3, 2009

Systems biology: a user’s guide (podcast) Web Focus: December 2006

A Moveable Feast: Researchers Seek Stability in Lability SIAM: January 14, 2006

MIT sheds light on how tumor cells form MIT News: June 20, 2006