Lab Values
- We are a community of scientists and engineers believe that innovation stems from diversity, respect, and mutual support.
- We are committed to fostering an inclusive community for lab members that embraces diversity in disability, ethnicity, experiences, family makeup, gender-identity, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic background.
- We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment. We actively learn how to improve our lab and scientific environment. We aim to support those facing discrimination and to increase inclusivity.
- We actively work towards these common values through open conversation, learning, mentorship, and group discussion of barriers to diversity, equality, and inclusivity in science.
Science & Training
- We aim for bold science and creative solutions that improve human health. There is a risk to taking innovative approaches to problem solving and we support the risks and vulnerabilities in these endeavors.
- Our research utilizes multiple approaches including quantitative cell biology, imaging, and computational modeling. A primary mission in the lab is to offer interdisciplinary training to our lab members.
- We are committed to training scientists and engineers for the skills required in the lab and in their larger community: communication (written, oral, and visual), mentoring, leadership, independence, and scientific knowledge and creativity.
- Our projects are made possible by the diversity of our team. Recognition (project leadership and authorship) is based on contribution rather than seniority, position, or experience.
- We take a team-based collaborative approach that empowers learning across academic background and experience.