Game theory

To model a human interaction as a game means understanding it as a set of discrete choices made by independent parties that yield results for all (cf. Johnson 2020).

A game model does not presume that the players choose privately or secretly. They may communicate and negotiate, but the game is ultimately decided by their individual choices.

The game model also does not assume that the players are selfish. They may have any given goals, including altruistic ones. For instance, imagine a pair of friends, each of whom only wants go to the restaurant that the other one prefers. They may have a great deal of difficulty deciding and may even withhold or distort information about their own tastes to increase the odds of satisfying the other person’s preference.

Game theory can help reveal problems that we may be able to fix. It is can also be a way to be more fair. Often, we analyze situations in terms of the choices that confront us and the results that will befall us if we make any choice. We see other people as doing the right or the wrong thing, from our perspective. It is important to step away from that first-person view and assess the choices–and the costs and benefits–that confront everyone. Then their behavior may seem more reasonable, and the root of the problem may lie in the situation, not in the other people’s values.

When used as models of real life, games simplify and abstract. That is both a limitation and a huge advantage: a model can clarify important problems and patterns that may be hidden in the real world’s complexity.

Games model situations in which people or other entities (e.g., animals, companies, nations) make separate choices, and the outcome results from the interaction of their decisions. Games are not very helpful for modeling other kinds of situations. One important form of civic action that they do not model well is a discussion about what is right (and why). Exchanging opinions and reasons isn’t well illuminated by a game.


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