Category Archives: activitiesorganizing

Asset-Based Community Development

Although civic actors should think critically and address problems, it is also valuable to be able to identify and appreciate the existing assets of any community, no matter how disadvantaged. Lesson 8 of Longo 2023 entitled “Asset-Based Community Development,” helps … Continue reading

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One-to-One Interviews

A basic technique of community organizing is to conduct one-to-one interviews with members of a community to gain understanding of issues and needs, create relationships, identify people who have leadership potential, and recruit residents for group discussions and collective action. … Continue reading

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Vote16USA’s Campaign to Lower the Voting Age in San Francisco

This SNF Agora case study by Scott Warren and Brandon Klugman “explores challenges that emerged for a coalition of high school–aged activists involved in the Vote16SF campaign, a movement to lower the voting age in San Francisco. This activist group, led … Continue reading

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Assessing SPUD (Scale, Pluralism, Unity, Depth)

Background Whether you’re building a social movement, organization, network, or media platform, you should strive for SPUD: Scale: You need a lot of people, at least relative to the size of the community that you are trying to influence. For … Continue reading

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The Power Cube

Political scientist John Gaventa and colleagues have developed the Power Cube as a tool for groups to use to analyze the situations that concern them. It breaks down the forms, spaces, and levels of power and the interactions among those. … Continue reading

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The ISAIAH Trash Referendum

The ISAIAH Trash Referendum by Peter Levine and Liz McKenna is a case study “about an organization in Minnesota called ISAIAH, a faith-based organization that works to expand the power and influence of people who have often been overlooked, especially poor people … Continue reading

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The Center for Popular Democracy’s Education Justice Campaign

“The Center for Popular Democracy’s Education Justice Campaign” is a case study by Dmitri Holtzman, Ben Kirshner, and Tafadzwa Tivaringe. It “explores dilemmas that arise for a network aiming to build a multigenerational movement for education justice, particularly through the … Continue reading

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Connecting Public Dialogue to Action and Change

Everyday Democracy offers a workbook entitled “Connecting Public Dialogue to Action and Change.” It provides detailed guidance on “Organizing (developing a Steering Group, planning, and recruitment),” “Dialogue” (small-group discussions, sometimes called study circles)” and “Action (individual, collective, institutional, and policy … Continue reading

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