Category Archives: activitiessocialmovement

Assessing SPUD (Scale, Pluralism, Unity, Depth)

Background Whether you’re building a social movement, organization, network, or media platform, you should strive for SPUD: Scale: You need a lot of people, at least relative to the size of the community that you are trying to influence. For … Continue reading

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The Montgomery Bus Boycott

The Montgomery Bus Boycott by Peter Levine is a case study about “a classic example of a social movement episode that accomplished its immediate goals despite severe obstacles. It catapulted the 26-year-old Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. into international prominence … Continue reading

Posted in activitiesdeliberation, activitiesnonviolence, activitiessocialmovement, cases | Leave a comment

Building a Party with Activists: The Case of the Uruguayan FA

Building a Party with Activists: The Case of the Uruguayan FA by Verónica Pérez Bentancur, Fernando Rosenblatt and Rafael Piñeiro Rodriguez is a “case study is about the Frente Amplio (Broad Front, FA) in Uruguay, which began in 1971 as a coalition … Continue reading

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