Category Archives: conceptcommons

Asset-Based Community Development

Although civic actors should think critically and address problems, it is also valuable to be able to identify and appreciate the existing assets of any community, no matter how disadvantaged. Lesson 8 of Longo 2023 entitled “Asset-Based Community Development,” helps … Continue reading

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Public Work

Harry Boyte defines public work as “self-organized efforts by a mix of people who solve common problems and create things, material or symbolic, of lasting civic value” (Boyte 2011). Public Work disputes the standard definition of “civic engagement” as activities … Continue reading

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Elinor Ostrom

Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012) was a political scientist at Indiana University and a leader of the intellectual movement informally known as the Bloomington School. She won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009 and was a MacArthur “genius” Fellow and president … Continue reading

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Design principles for commons

Elinor Ostrom and colleagues have found that communities are more likely to succeed at producing and protecting common pool resources if they employ the principles listed below (as phrased in Levine 2022, drawing on E. Ostrom 1990 and E. Ostrom … Continue reading

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The Institutional Analysis and Design (IAD) Framework

Concept As stated on the Ostrom Workshop website: The Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework was designed by Ostrom and her colleagues from the Ostrom Workshop in 2005 to facilitate analysis of institution processes through which individual and collective choices … Continue reading

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The commons

The commons (sometimes more precisely known as “a common pool resource”) is a good or set of goods that is owned by a community, from a small group to the entire species. These goods can be highly tangible things, such … Continue reading

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