
Transgender Day of Remembrance Art Exhibit by Tufts Student

Transgender Day of Remembrance Art Exhibit
Art by Rocky Prull
Tufts University, Barnum Hall
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) is an annual recognition of the lives lost in the United States, and globally, to anti-transgender violence. This past November, with the support of the Tufts LGBT Center and SMFA Student affairs, artist Rocky Prull created a series of large monoprints to both honor and mourn the trans people who have been killed, and recognize and celebrate the trans people who are still with us. These deeply emotional prints are paired with a zine that viewers are encouraged to take with them and read about more ways they can support the transgender people in their lives in hopes that Transgender Day of Remembrance will someday be a thing of the past.
Rocky Prull (they/them) is currently a 3rd year student studying at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tuft University. They are a queer and transgender printmaker and poet focused largely on the body and personal identity. Their work moves between the figurative and the abstract and is informed by the landscape, magic, and tattoos. They are from Eastern Washington originally where they grew up learning about drawing, painting, and ceramics. Their work speaks to their lived experiences as a queer and trans artist, often going between text and image. They seek to honor and speak to the fullness of queer and trans experiences, working with others their community to push against many mainstream media perceptions of what it can mean to live as a queer or transgender person.

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