Middle Eastern North African (MENA) Heritage Month Events!
April is Middle Eastern North African (MENA) Heritage Month!
The MENA organization has put together multiple events to celebrate our heritage throughout this month!
April 11th-16th- Support Local MENA Businesses
Many of you will be enjoying a well-deserved break from didactic courses and clinic! In the meantime, order some delicious food from some local MENA businesses! List of businesses attached below
Local MENA-Owned Businesses
Local MENA-Owned Businesses
April 20th-Oral Health Baggies for Yusuf Mosque
-Merritt Auditorium: 5-6:30pm
-Help put together oral health goody bags for Yusuf Mosque attendees
April 21st- Intro to Clinic: Learn the Ins & Outs of Clinic from D4s
-Zoom @ 7:30 pm
-Registration Link: https://tufts.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAodOutpzIjGdSpbH_esS-G0-X1ROHAGCx_
Cooking with Liana: The Hummus Queen
Date: To Be Announced Soon