Ongoing OpportunitiesStudent Organization Spotlight

Join the AAWD EBoard!

Hello D23, D24, and D25 classes!

The American Association for Women Dentists (AAWD) at Tufts will be holding elections for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Joining the Tufts AAWD E-board is an excellent way to get involved with the Tufts community and to sharpen your leadership skills by working collaboratively with a team of like-minded individuals. Positions are available even if you were not a member previously.

In the link below, you will find the leadership role descriptions and an application which is due Wednesday May 11. If selected, you will be asked to attend a transition meeting held May 18.

Available positions: 


Vice President



Community Service Chair

Academic Chair

Social Media Chair

Social Chair

D23 Liaison

D24 Liaison

D25 Liaison

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