ReflectionsStudents & Communities Connection

Wellness Check from D25 Wellness Reps!

With the final stretch approaching, the D25 Wellness Reps wanted to take a minute to offer a Wellness Check! Burnout around this time of year can be a problem we all face.
May is National Mental Health Month. This is a great time for you to both check in on your own mental health and become more aware of the mental health needs across the country.

NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Health. They have great resources for you to help spread awareness, lobby to your local government, and educate yourself! If you feel like you’re struggling and need help, check this out!
As busy dental students, we’re always on the hunt for new ways to improve our own mental health. Here’s a list of 31 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health!

  1. Show some gratitude! Try starting your day thinking of three things your grateful for or ending your night reflecting on three things you’re grateful for that happened that day! If you’re really into in, be like the TikTok girls and journal them in your Five Minute Journal!
  2. Show Some Love! Being in a new city for dental school can be isolating at times. Let this be your reminder to text a friend or a family member you haven’t spoken to in a while! Don’t forget to try to maintain your previous relationships while making new ones here 

For the full list of 31 Tips check out the article!
Now that Boston is finally starting to defrost, it’s time to get back outside! Move your study group outside to the Boston Gardens for the day! Go for a “Hot Girl Walk” along the esplanade! Go for a walk or just take time to sit outside and soak up some sun! Also, Boston has a lot of great opportunities for free outdoor workout classes coming up!
Sam Arora and Sidney MacKinnon
D25 Wellness Committee Reps

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