
Annual Student Leadership Dinner Workshop gets High Marks!

Organized by Dainya Hannan and Nancy Marks, the annual dinner brought in 70 students. By all accounts, it was a great event.

“It was wonderful to be inspired and reminded of the greatness in the students of TUSDM. Each speaker, as Nancy pointed out, was very humble in their achievements and sincere with their advice. There is no magic solution to becoming a great leader, but hearing how each of these students took on new challenges showed that it is always possible.”

And shoutout of thanks to the D25 Table Discussion leaders — Alexis Alicea, Chioma Anokwute, Krista Cabret, Emely Hsu, Megha Kanabar, Wendy Mauti, Takara Richard, Kaylin Thies, Shouana Vang, Juhi Vyas –for helping to create a warm and welcoming space for sharing:

“I loved how we shared honestly and we supported each other in our answers. It was a beautiful bonding moment!”

The awesome panelists shared their highs and lows in their leadership journeys and reminded listeners why TUSMD needs great leaders:

-You can be a leader no matter the volume of your Voice: Aimee Parado, D24 ASDA Advocacy

-Seeing the Need and filling the hole by starting a Club: Michael Kennedy, D24 Practice Management

-Changing TUSDM to meet the needs of the Community: Ryan Borders, D23  Smiles for Vets Outreach

-Thinking outside of the Box: Starting a project from scratch: Arika Neal, D24  TuftsTube

-Amid COVID, new possibilities emerged: Bijal Amin, D23 Autism Smiles

“I was inspired by each panelist’s creative ideas that stemmed from a personal need within dentistry. I could find so many things in common, from the character strength as being soft-spoken, to desiring to do something to help patients in receiving better care.”

“It was great to hear about their accomplishments and be reminded of how awesome my peers can be! Also, their advice is easily applicable to being a clinician outside of school.

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