
Research Updates and Funding Opportunities From DRA – April 27

Good Afternoon TUSDM Research Community,
Please find this week’s research updates below. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your research administrator if you have any questions.


DRA’s FAQ of the Week: I Was Approached by a Company Asking to do Research For Them, What Are the Next Steps?
All requests for research funding or donations must be tracked and accepted through the university. Our team will help determine the appropriate agreements that need to be put in place. If you plan to submit a research funding application, please complete the DRA Proposal Intake Form, and our team will assist with the budgeting and contract process.
Want to learn more? A complete list of the DRA’s most frequently asked questions can be found here!
AADOCR’s MIND the Future Program – Applications due May 5th
AADOCR’s MIND the Future program is an expanding mentoring network aimed at supporting a diverse pool of early career investigators dedicated to improving dental, oral, and craniofacial health. Each year, AADOCR chooses ten individuals from a highly competitive pool of applicants to participate in the program. Those selected in 2023 will receive:
– Twelve months of in-person and distance-learning career development activities, mentored grant writing experience, and continuing engagement as alumni
– Complimentary registration to the 2024 AADOCR Annual Meeting in New Orleans, with a travel stipend of up to $2,500 to attend.
– Pre-paid registrations to: Faculty Development Workshop, Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science full-day Workshop in Science Communication, and the IADR/AADOCR/CADR/NIDCR Mentoring and Networking Luncheon, occurring at the IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session and Exhibition.
– Up to $2,500 for travel to the NIH for a mock NIH Study Section.
– All necessary training materials and access to virtual online educational sessions.
– Complimentary registration to the 2025 AADOCR Annual Meeting in New York after the successful completion of the first year of the program.
To learn more and register, click here.
REMINDER: TUSDM Approval Process for Travel and Virtual Meetings
As a reminder, all travel-related expenses, including virtual conferences, must be submitted to Dental Finance to receive Dean Karimbux’s approval prior to any travel expenses being booked. Individuals who travel without prior approval will be held personally responsible for any expenses they incur. The attached Travel Justification form must be completed and returned to the finance office. If you intend to charge any travel expenses to a grant, please reach out to your LRA to confirm the charges are allowable and sufficient funds are available. Expense reports should be submitted in Apptricity within 30 days of completion of a trip. TSS can assist you with creating expense reports by submitting a Travel and Business Intake Form and receipts to them.
Tufts CTSI’s Annual Report
The 2022 annual report includes a greeting from Tufts CTSI Dean and Principal Investigator, Harry P. Selker, MD, MSPH, updates and statistics on key initatiives, photos from recent Tufts CTSI events, and five impact stories on the following topics:
– Bringing Broadly-engaged Team Science to the World
– Leadership for Informatics Solutions and the Tufts Analytics Platform
– Driving Stakeholder Engagement with ADAPT and CREST
– Embedding Clinical and Translational Science in the “Clinical Moment”
– Tufts CTSI Responds to COVID-19.
To view the full report, click here. 
AADOCR Boston Section Spring Meeting – Call for Abstracts due May 8th
The AADOCR Boston Section Spring Meeting will take place on Monday May 15th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in person at the Forsyth Institute. The meeting will include poster presentations by students and postdoctoral fellows and social and professional networking with Faculty from Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Forsyth, Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. All student and postdoctoral researchers are invited to submit abstracts with at least one author on the abstract of the Boston Section to be eligible. Abstract requirements can be viewed here.  Abstracts must be submitted by May 8th at 5:00 PM by emailing AADOCR.


TUSDM Visitor/Vendor Request Form- New Version
Please see the updated visitor/vendor request form for individuals other than patients/patient companions that require access to 1 Kneeland, such as personnel to calibrate or service lab equipment. After submission to Jill Leclare, the visitor will be issued an COVID Attestation Form via Qualtrics, which must be completed prior to their visit.


NIH Data Sharing and Management Plan Workshop with Allie Tatarian – May 1st
Join Allie Tatarian, Data Librarian at the Health Sciences Library, for a virtual workshop about the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan requirement for research grants. Email DRA with any specific questions about DMS plans that will be answered during the workshop.

The workshop will be held on Zoom on Monday, May 1st from 12-1PM. To register, click here.
Tufts CTSI Spring 2023 Faculty Mentor Training – May 15th or 22nd
Do you mentor research faculty, post-docs, or graduate students? Join Tufts CTSI for a case-based training opportunity for faculty members with mentees preparing for research careers in biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social sciences on May 15, or May 22nd from 1:00PM – 4:00PM. Learn more about Mentor Training and register for a session by clicking here.
Tufts CTSI Best Practices for Writing an Informed Consent Form at Tufts Medical Center Clinical Research Staff Quarterly Training – May 11th
Join Tufts CTSI on Zoom on Thursday, May 11 at 1:00PM to learn best practices for using the Tufts HS IRB’s recently revised informed consent form (ICF) template. For this blended training, you must complete an online pre-work tutorial in order to unlock the Zoom link for the live session. The live session will be a hands-on learning experience where you’ll work in small groups to re-write a sponsor-provided ICF. Tufts HS IRB staff will be on hand to provide feedback and answer questions. All research staff are invited to attend. 
To learn more and register, click here.

Highlighted Funding Reminders

1) American Academy of Periodontology Foundation- Dr. Mark K. Setter Leadership in Periodontology
and Dental Implantology Award

About: The committee bases its selection on the applicant’s leadership in promoting periodontology, implantology, advanced treatment planning and case acceptance strategies through mentorship of other students and professionals, making a positive impact on how periodontology and dental implantology is viewed in their school, or by promoting the importance of periodontology and dental implantology in the comprehensive treatment of patients. This is not a clinical award but an award for leadership for promoting all aspects of what it means to be a periodontist.
Eligibility:  The recipient of the Dr. Mark K. Setter Leadership in Periodontology and Dental Implantology Award must exemplify leadership in our profession by his/her actions in promoting periodontology and dental implantology. Applicants must be full-time periodontal residents as of the application deadline at accredited U.S. periodontal programs and nominated by their periodontal program director. 
Deadline: June 1, 2023
More Information: https://www.periofoundation.org/awards/29-education-awards/128-dr-mark-k-setter-leadership-in-periodontology-and-dental-implantology-award
2) NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Program (DP1 Clinical Trial Optional)
About: This opportunity supports individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative research projects with the potential to produce a major impact on broad, important areas relevant to the mission of NIH. For the program to support the best possible researchers and research, applications are sought which reflect the full diversity of the nation’s research workforce. Thus, individuals from all backgrounds and from the full spectrum of eligible institutions in all geographic locations are strongly encouraged to apply to this Funding Opportunity Announcement. In addition, applications in all topics relevant to the broad mission of NIH are welcome, including, but not limited to, topics in the behavioral, social, biomedical, applied, and formal sciences and topics that may involve basic, translational, or clinical research. To be considered pioneering, the proposed research must reflect substantially different scientific directions from those already being pursued in the investigator’s research program or elsewhere.
Eligibility: No agency restrictions; please follow Tufts PI eligibility policies.
Deadline: September 8, 2023  
More Information: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-RM-23-004.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
3) Do It! TUSDM Development Opportunities for Innovation in Teaching
About: Full- and part-time faculty may apply for up to $4000 for development opportunities that align with departmental goals, and applications must include a proposed teaching innovation for the pre- or post-doctoral curriculum. In this Canvas Course, you will find application details, project examples, and other resources.
Eligibility: No agency restrictions; please follow Tufts PI eligibility policies.
Deadline: May 15, 2023
More Information: https://canvas.tufts.edu/courses/42089

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