
The D27 Women in Leadership Dinner: A Rousing Success

Written by Stacey Young, D26

As the school year is picking up and gearing up to go into full swing, the amazing women from
the D27 class gathered for the Women in Leadership Dinner, hosted by the Student Affairs
Office and Public Health and Community Service Office. The tone of the night was set by Dr.
Rogers, the Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs and Diandra Jones, the D25 Class President as
they welcomed the D27s and shared about their journey in their roles of leadership.
The night then shifted into group discussions that allowed for the D26s and D27s to get to know
each other better and bond over their journeys to dental school. The table leaders: Juliana,
Natalie, Robin, Anna, Jamyla, Roosemide, Rana, Shivani, Chloe, and Stacey opened the space
for stimulating conversation as the women reflected together on their path to TUSDM. It
allowed a time of mentorship and Q+A to be present within the tables as the D27s asked
questions about the ins and outs of dental school.

After a wonderful meal, the students had an opportunity to listen to the amazing stories from
the D25 leader’s panel. The panel consisted of Megha Kanabar, D25 who shared about her
finding some unlikely friends through research, (which we learned began with studying
cockroaches and worms!) Mariah Matinian, D25 who overcame her doubts, ran for an elected
office, and won. Jasmine Perry, D25 talked about how she manages balancing being a mother,
school and being a Second Lieutenant in the Army (note: she gets up at 3:30 am!). Carley
McLarney, D25 discussed how she started and is leading an active student organization (the
awesome Gardening Club) and how she found her support in her classmates. Glory Ogunyinka,
D25 shared how she found her purpose through committing to community service (as SNDA
community service chair) and how she shares that purpose for the good of the community. 
The Women in Leadership Dinner proved to be a catalyst of transformation and growth for the
attendees, as it was a night filled with celebration, wonder, connection, vulnerability, and
inspiration. Here are a few quotes from the attendees: 

“It’s extremely empowering to hear from other women in the classes above us. It truly
made me think past my fears and be confident to go through my time here at TUSDM!” 

“It was very enlightening and allowed me a chance to be open and vulnerable with my
table when sharing my personal journey to dental school and the determination it took. I
was inspired by so many of the amazing D25 women in leadership and was proud to be
in attendance and hear parts of their journeys and leadership roles as well.”

“The Women in Leadership Dinner was such an amazing experience! Hearing such
vulnerable and inspirational stories from fellow women who were once in my shoes as a
D1 was something that meant so much to me! It gave me motivation and
encouragement to take on goals of mine as I navigate through dental school. Along with that, I built connections in a short time with upperclassmen that are in the places that I want to be one day!”

The Women in Leadership Dinner’s ripple effect has set the stage for ongoing connections,
mentorship, and the cultivation of a fearless determination to navigate the challenges that lie
ahead. In a single evening, vulnerability transformed into strength, solidarity into
empowerment, leaving an indelible mark on all those fortunate enough to be in attendance.

Thank you to the D27s for attending, the D26 table discussion leaders, the D25 panelists for
their willingness and vulnerability. Special thank you to Nancy Marks and Dainya Hannan for
their dedication in putting on this event every year and the tireless hours put into planning it.

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