
Research Updates and Funding Opportunities From DRA

**Last day to submit an AADOCR Abstract!**
The International Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (IADR) annual meeting will take place on March 13-16th in New Orleans, LA, and the abstracts submission deadline is TODAY, October 19 in order to be considered for oral presentation or poster presentation. Please remember that if you do plan to submit or have already submitted, please notify Tiffany Smith and Ann-Marie Billig (if you have not already) so we can ensure the appropriate approvals are in place that permit you to submit. For details on preparing your submission, see IADR abstract guidelines.

Research Updates and Reminders

DRA’s FAQ of the Week: What equipment and resources are available for my research?
Basic Science Research: A variety of equipment for in-vitro research is available in the Dr. J Murray Gavel Center (DHS833). Contact Mona Patel with any questions. Clinical Research: The 14th floor Clinical Research Center has 7 fully-equipped dental bays for clinical research. Contact Joseph Cimmino with any questions. Core Facilities: The university also has core facilities available to Tufts researchers. See information about Tufts Core Facilities here
Apply Today for ADEA Scholarships, Awards and Fellowships!
ADEA recognizes achievement and distinction among its members through an awards program. In conjunction with ADEA’s corporate partners, ADEA offers student scholarships, awards for educators and funding opportunities for various fellowships. Speak with your dean, academic dean or program director to request a letter of nomination—a requirement for many ADEA awards. The submission deadline for the majority of scholarships, awards and fellowships is Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023. Award recipients are recognized during the the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition on March 9-12, 2024. Visit adea.org/facultyawards to check out all of the awards and apply!
ADEA Leadership Opportunities
ADEA welcomes the nominations of senior administrators for appointments to the following committees and external organizations: ADEA Policy and Research Advisory Committee, ADEA Legislative Advisory Committee, Commission on Dental Accreditation Commissioner, Comission on Dental Accreditation Review Committee, Commission on Dental Accreditation Site Visitor, Council on Dental Education and Licensure, Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations. More information on each appointment can be found HERE.

Upcoming Trainings, Workshops, and Opportunties

Tufts CTSI Team Virtual Science Summit: “Advances, Applications, and Future Directions in Disease Models” – Friday, October 27th New and more relevant experimental models – in vivoin vitro, and in silico – are essential for better understanding disease processes and more effectively testing therapeutics.

This fully virtual interdisciplinary symposium on Friday, October 27 at 9:00AM will highlight exciting work in multiple areas from labs across Tufts CTSI’s academic and clinical partners.

All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend!
2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR  General Session & Exhibition – March 13-16th The 102nd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, 53rd Annual Meeting of the AADOCR, and 48th Annual Meeting of the CADR will take place on March 13-16th in New Orleans, LA. 

Key Important Dates: 
Abstract & Session Proposal Submission Sites Open: July 11, 2023
Session Proposal Submission Close: September 27, 2023, 11:59 p.m. PT
Abstract Submission Close: October 19, 2023, 11:59 p.m. PT
Presenter Pre-registration Deadline: January 11, 2024

Highlighted Funding Opportunities

1) Tisch Fund for Civic Engagement
About: The purpose of this opportunity is to fund innovative initiatives and events that have a clear connection to civic life. Seeking proposals that:
• Demonstrate innovation and creativity in addressing issues affecting civic life including but not limited to promoting diversity and equity, education, political participation, environment and food justice, technology and other societal issues.
• Include adequate training and/or preparation for stakeholders (including Tufts students) involved.
• Seek to apply what is learned in the classroom, bring theory to practice.
• Build connections across disciplines and fields.
Eligibility: Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Tufts University school/professional program. 
Deadline: Rolling deadline until November 27, 11:59 PM EST. Early application is highly recommended.
More Information: Tisch Fund | Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life (tufts.edu)  
2) AADOCR Mentoring an Inclusive Network for a Diverse Workforce of the Future
About: The purpose of this opportunity is to build a vibrant and inclusive community of investigators whose participation is vital to advancing dental, oral and craniofacial research and improving the oral health of our nation. Ten new mentees will be funded per year for the five funding years; and once the mentees complete the program, they will become alumni. The program will offer educational activities and interactive opportunities across the network, between mentors and mentees to support the development of a diverse cadre of dental, oral and craniofacial research.
Eligibility: Participants must have a research (e.g., PhD or equivalent) and/or health-professional doctoral degree (e.g., DDS/DMD) or equivalent. The candidates must have postdoctoral research experience and be committed to developing into independent investigators in research areas relevant to the mission of the NIDCR. Candidates may be in postdoctoral or junior faculty positions (e.g., Assistant Professor)
Deadline: May 10, 2024
More Information: RFA-DE-19-007
3) Foundation Nakao for Worldwide Oral Health, Grants for 2023 Cycle
About: The Foundation’s aim is to contribute to the realization of a truly healthy long-living society and a high quality of life by supporting research and analysis to improve global oral health. In order to reach the aforementioned goals, Foundation Nakao`s purpose is to support valuable basic research, clinical research and educational program in oral health contributing to a healthy and long-living society and to a high quality of life. Therefore, the Foundation promotes academic research and clinical study and intends to share the outcomes and achievements of the granted study project with dental professionals and industry as well as global citizens.
Eligibility:  No agency restrictions; Please follow Tufts PI eligibility policies.  
Deadline: December 4, 2023 
More Information: https://www.foundation-nakao.com/applications
4) Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research FundAbout: The Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund, established in 1947 by Frank M. Noonan
in memory of his mother, continues its proud tradition of supporting improvements in the quality of life
for children and adolescents with disabilities with two-year grants up to $160,000 (inclusive of 20%
indirect costs). Recognizing that health services and supports are provided in a wide range of community
settings as well as hospitals, the Noonan Research program supports innovative clinical and service
system research, pilot, and evaluation projects from both nonprofit organizations and academic
institutions that serve children and adolescents with chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or
emotional disabilities and associated health-related complications. Eligible organizations and target
populations must be within the Fund’s geographic area of interest of Greater Boston.
Eligibility: Neither a faculty position nor an advanced degree is required. Investigators may be advanced practice providers, registered nurses, educators, allied therapists, social workers, and/or other community members that work with children and adolescents with disabilitiesDeadline: December 5, 2023
More Information: https://hria.org/tmf/noonan/

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