
Reentry and Community: Life During & After Incarceration

Join for an enriching symposium hosted by the Tufts University Prison Initiative’s MyTERN College and Reentry program.

Students, fellows, legislators, and community members will come together to engage in dialogue around critical aspects of the reentry process. This three-panel symposium featuring formerly incarcerated MyTERN students and fellows along with TUPIT organizational partners will explore how individuals coming home after prison navigate housing, employment, and social and emotional well-being. Panelists will identify strategies to enhance the reentry experience, empowering incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals as agents for broader societal transformation. Join us for educational discussions, where diverse perspectives will enable us all to better address thinking and advocacy around the system of mass incarceration. 

Register here.

Monday, April 8th | 3:30-6:30 pm | ASEAN Auditorium, Cabot Center

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