
ASDA Toothbrush Painting Event: Skylines, Jumbos, and Starry Nights

Skylines, Jumbos, and Starry Nights- just some of the paintings created from ASDAs Paint-with-a-Toothbrush event!

After a long stretch of studying and exams, students from all classes came together to snack and freestyle a masterpiece of their choosing using nothing but paint and a toothbrush. While some people took a more abstract approach, others had some pretty talented renditions of various Tufts & Boston landmarks.

By the end of the night, everyone had smiles (and paint) plastered on their faces. All in all, it was a fantastic wellness event!

Special thanks to ASDAs amazing team of representatives, including Neil Patel (D26), Kenta Kawasaki (D26), Michael Sau (D27), and Joanna Rafti (D27). 

Submitted by Dana Moskowitz (D28)

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