Diwali Festival of Lights – Volunteer Search!
The Smile Squad will be volunteering at the Diwali Festival of Lights at Newton South High School 140 Brandeis Rd, Newton MA 02459 on November 3rd from 3-7pm.
HERE is a link to the volunteer sign ups for this event. All volunteers are welcome.
We have limited spots for transportation by our faculty mentor, Dr. Wallach. If you are interested in this, please be sure to add your name to the designated box on the google sheet. This is first come, first served.
A little bit about Smile Squad:
-Smile Squad is TUSDM’s oldest active club, and was co-founded by our faculty mentor Dr. Wallach
-Smile Squad’s mission is to deliver oral hygiene instruction and dental information to the public, we often attend fairs and events to do so.