Welcome to StoryTime!

Virtual reading of children’s books in 10 languages! StoryTime at any time! For all children to enjoy — whether at home, in the classroom, or in a car. Stories are available 24 hours a day. 

Listen or read along with us to enjoy the magic of StoryTime through a phone, tablet, or laptop!

Click here to check it out!

StoryTime is brought to you by the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine chapter of the Student National Dental Association (SNDA).

Click here to meet the Team!

SNDA Story Time Clickable PDF

With special thanks to the following sponsors for ongoing support and funding. 

​Nancy Marks Community Service Coordinator, TUSDM’s Department of Public Health/Tisch College of Civic Life

​Dr. Jeanette Sabir-Holloway Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion; Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health and Community Service; Faculty Advisor to SNDA 

​Dr. Martha Forero, DDS, MS, FICD Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health and Community Services

​Tisch College Fund/Tufts University 

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