
TUSDM joins in Best Buddies Friendship Walk

On Saturday, October 19th, members of Special Smiles participated in the Best Buddies Friendship Walk in Charlestown, MA. TUSDM students joined fellow Best Buddies participants for a day filled with fun, food, friendship, games, dancing, and more, all in the spirit of inclusion! They even had the opportunity to take a picture with Hollywood star James Day Keith, who played “Benny” in the 2023 movie Champions. James is an active member of Best Buddies Massachusetts and delivered the opening ceremony speech before the walk began.

Tufts students also joined Best Buddies for a fun afternoon of ice cream, snacks, and crafts, where they made friendship bracelets and signs for the Friendship Walk on October 9th.

The participating students would like to give a special thank you to Best Buddies, for allowing TUSDM to participate in the event. They look forward to future opportunities to get involved and make new friends!

Participants included Jessica Jordan (D25), Meghan Wright (D26), Jaden Nelson (D27), and Matthew Alkamano (D28).

Students interested in volunteering with Special Smiles should get in touch with Jessica Jordan at jessica.zammitti@tufts.edu to be added to the e-list and stay up to date on future events!

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