Smiles for Life General Body Meeting

CE Classroom #1415

The Smiles for Life general meeting will take place on 10/23 at 12-1 pm in the CE classroom #1415. This

SNDA Study Hall

SNDA will be hosting its weekly Study Hall every TUESDAY from 4-7pm. The location is TBA. Please follow @tuftssnda for

Lunch and Learn with Dr. Weinstock

Rachel's Amphitheater Room 1414

Mark your calendars! Tufts SPEA invites you to join us for our engaging Lunch & Learn with Dr. Weinstock on Wednesday, October

Combined Tufts and Harvard OMFS Club

Rachel's Amphitheater Room 1414

All 3rd and 4th year TUSDM Students are invited to a combined Tufts and Harvard Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Club