Global Service Learning
Please note: These programs ran before Covid.
Students and faculty at the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine participate in a wide variety of activities abroad. The Dental Central “Global Connections” tab serves to shed light on those activities and provide useful information to those interested in participating. We are proud of the commitment to global health expressed by our Tufts community and hope to see continued interest in this area.
How to get more involved:
GHSA is the official student organization for global health awareness, learning, and education. Learn about global oral health needs, comparison of the types of health services, and TUSDM opportunities to travel internationally to provide treatment and preventative education!

CLICK for GSL General Forms

CLICK for Student Reflection Archives
CLICK the country icon to find out application details, important deadlines, reflections, and photos!



Dominican Republic


Haiti (DFH)

Dominican Republic (DFH)

Haita (SNDA)
Have you participated on a global service learning activity that isn’t already up on Dental Central? We’d love to hear your story! Please email Tufts Dental Central with your ideas!