Tele-Tutoring by Tufts (TBT)

The purpose of this organization is to serve middle and high school students at the Josiah Quincy Upper School (JQUS) through tutoring. TeleTutoting By Tufts is a Tufts University organization focused on serving local middle and high school students at the Josiah Quincy Upper School through tutoring. TBT tutors connect with students on a virtual platform to review classroom topics, complete homework assignments and help students prepare for standardized tests. The individualized tutoring sessions allow tutors to work with students according to their learning styles and foster meaningful relationships in the community to ensure students succeed academically. Events
- Tutor Appreciation Brunch
2023-2024 E-Board
- Co-Presidents: Madison Wallace, D25
- CO-President: Darla Ellis, D26
- Faculty Advisor: Nancy Marks